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Transactions In Excess of $250,000

For transactions estimated to cost in excess of $250,000 (including anticipated amendments) a competitive process is required in which all contractors approved in the service category are provided an opportunity to submit a proposal to perform the work. 
  1. An agency/member must complete and electronically submit a Request for Offer (RFO) and Work Order Certification (Work Order Certification not required for CPV Members) to the P/T Unit at the Department of Administration Office of State Procurement (OSP). The forms must be emailed to
  2. OSP will assign an Environmental Review tracking number and review and return the originating RFO document and certification (state agencies only) with tracking number to the agency/member via e-mail. OSP will identify any required modifications to the RFO at this time.
  3. Following receipt of the originating RFO document and tracking number from OSP, agency/member shall issue the originating RFO document to all contractors eligible to provide the identified service.
  4. Following receipt of the above documents from each contractor, the agency/member shall score and evaluate the proposals, applying the state's or CPV member's evaluation criteria. Following the evaluations, the agency/member shall commence negotiations with the highest scoring responder.
  5. If negotiations are successful, the agency/member may proceed to create a Work Order Contract (state agencies) or CPV Work Order Contract (CPV members). The Work Order Contract must thoroughly identify the contractor's duties and negotiated cost.
  6. Work Order Contracts require the signature of the contractor, state agency/member and the Commissioner of Administration. A signature verifying encumbrance of funds should also be included. Once all signatures are obtained on the Work Order Contract, the agency member must transmit a copy of the fully-executed work order, originating RFO document and certification (State Agencies only) to The contractor should also be sent a copy of the fully-executed work order for its file.
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