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Solicitations and Contract Opportunities

The Solicitation and Opportunity page provides links to the Supplier Portal for current solicitation postings, a list of currently expiring contracts, a link to the secure page for current contract releases and additional information regarding solicitations.
Solicitations and Contracts Warehouse Image

Supplier Portal

Click here to be redirected to the Supplier Portal to register as a Bidder or Supplier for the State of Minnesota.
vendor contract documents

Contracts Expiring in 7 Months

Click here to be redirected to a page for information on State of Minnesota contracts expiring within the next seven (7) months.
Feature image for TG/ED/VO Opportunities

TG/ED/VO Opportunities

Click here to access the state's certified Targeted Group (TG), Economically Disadvantaged (ED) and Veteran-Owned (VO) Vendors Targeted vendor (TG/ED/VO) directory for Equity Select Opportunities.

Solicitations and Contracts Snow plow image

Goods and Services Solicitation Postings

Click here to view current Goods and Services solicitation postings.

Professional and Technical Solicitation Postings

Click here to view current Professional and Technical solicitation postings.
Solicitations and contracts construction tools image

Construction Virtual Plan Room

Click here to access the Construction Virtual Planning Room.
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