The Department of Administration is committed to providing a safe work environment. To prevent workplace injuries and illnesses, a joint management-labor safety committee will be established. Employee involvement in accident prevention and support of safety committee members and activities is necessary to ensure a safe and healthful workplace.
The purpose of our safety committee is to involve labor and management in a nonadversarial, cooperative effort to promote safety and health in the workplace. The safety committee will assist management and make recommendations for change. Our goal is an injury free workplace.
Employee representatives shall be volunteers or elected by their peers or appointed by their bargaining unit. Employer representatives will be appointed. Safety committee members will serve terms of at least one year. Committee membership terms will be staggered, so experienced members are always serving on the committee.
The safety committee advises management about safety and health issues in the workplace. All written recommendations from the safety committee will be submitted to the appropriate department manager. Management will consider the recommendations and respond in writing to the safety committee within a reasonable time. Recommendations shall be concise, clear, and provide reasons for implementation.
There may be co-chairs for the Safety Committee; one will be the designated Safety Administrator, the other elected by the committee. The following are the duties of the chair(s):
Safety committee meetings will be held the first Thursday of each month from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm.
Exceptions: If a state holiday occurs on the first Thursday of a particular month, the committee will vote to decide whether to reschedule the meeting or cancel it for that particular month. If one or more committee members believe a particular month’s meeting should be canceled or rescheduled for some legitimate reason (for example, possible absence of most members because of the meeting being near a holiday), the committee will vote to decide whether to have that month’s meeting as scheduled, reschedule it, or cancel it for that particular month.
The safety committee shall be a constructive entity, providing guidance and leadership in matters pertaining to the overall health and safety of the agency.