These data are provided to help policymakers and others understand the characteristics of district residents, and respond to economic and other challenges in their district and statewide.
Data Tables By State Senate District
The links below open data tables that highlight differences by race and/or educational attainment for a number of indicators including employment, earnings, median household income, poverty and disability--for State Senate districts and Minnesota as a whole. (Note: Because State House districts contain about half as many people as Senate districts, survey-based data are not as reliable for House districts. Therefore, Representatives and other users interested in data for House districts are encouraged to look at the data for the Senate district in which their district is embedded.)
The data source for all tables is the U.S. Census Bureau's 2014-2018 American Community Survey. Data reflect average annual characteristics over 2014-2018. Five years of data are necessary to reduce the error margins. However, users should still note that all data estimates have a margin of error (plus or minus) that gives the range in which one can be 90% confident that the true value is likely to fall.