The Vendor Management System can be reached at To enter the Vendor Management System, users are given a user name and password.
If you are in need of a username and password or need assistance with a forgotten password, please send an email to Real Estate and Construction Services (RECS) at In your email, please include your firm name, vendor number, the last four digits of your firm's federal tax ID number and the type of work your firm provides.
Once you are logged in you will be able to change information for any of your firm's locations.
This system will allow you to make changes and save them for further editing in the future. You do not have to complete each section, except for the required data, in order to save the record. Please review to make sure you can answer the required data prior to starting your data entry. The required data is marked with a red asterisk.
The first screen will give you a list of your locations. Click on the location you would like to enter data for. If you click on the vendor number next to the location name, the next screen is where you will enter all your firm data.
You can also choose to click on the "Category" link that is to the right of the vendor information. This will take you directly to the Category Update screen. If you need to add a location, click on the "Add New Location" link on the right side of the table.
To enter data on the "Vendor Modify/Delete" screen simply click on the fields and update or add information as necessary. Please note that the boxes marked with a red asterisk are required fields.
To enter data for a category, click on the "Category" link. Once you are on this screen, you will need to select the categories which you wish to respond to. You may click one or several at a time. After you have checked the box(es) for the categories you wish to add, click on the update/delete link to edit the information for each category.
Note: You must use a project as a reference that has been completed within five years of respondent's RFQ response. If the links in the RFQ document do not work correctly, please refer to the main RFQ page on the website to get the correct link. Some links were not correctly coded by the PDF writer.
The following instructions apply to firms new to the Master Roster, as well as firms changing any of their information.
When you are completely finished entering your data, do the following: