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Minnesota Executive Council

The commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Administration serves as the executive secretary of Minnesota's Executive Council, as directed in state law. The Executive Council is made up of the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state auditor, and attorney general. The governor is chair. The Commissioner of Administration serves as a non-voting executive secretary.

The Executive Council was established by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 9. Chapter 9 also guides the powers and duties of the council. 

About the Executive Council

Learn about the role and authority of the Minnesota Executive Council.

Participate in a Meeting

If you would like to engage with the Minnesota Executive Council or participate in a council meeting, reference these helpful tips, review the Executive Council Speaker policy, and submit a Request Form.

Meeting Schedule and Materials

View a schedule of upcoming Executive Council meetings and materials from past meetings.

Subscribe for Executive Council Updates

Sign-up for updates and information on upcoming Executive Council Meetings.

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