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At Minnesota IT Services (MNIT), we understand the important role technology plays in providing state-run services. MNIT provides support across the IT spectrum, enabling State of Minnesota agency partners to connect with the Minnesotans they serve and carry out day-to-day business. Our services provide routine management of the systems, networks and hardware that keep the State of Minnesota running.Many of our services are made possible by MNET - Minnesota's Network for Enterprise Telecommunications -- a public-private partnership that delivers a secure, reliable integrated statewide network for all our partners. Learn more about MNET and how it provides Minnesotans with access to e-learning and digital government services.

We provide services to both executive branch and non-executive branch partners. 

  • Executive branch partners - agencies, boards, councils and Commissions in the State of Minnesota
  • Non-executive branch partners - higher education, school districts, public libraries, legislative branch, judicial branch, constitutional offices, counties, cities, and other government organizations in the State of Minnesota.

Not sure which category your organization falls under? Please contact Relationship Management.

Please select either executive branch or non-executive branch below to view the services that are available to your organization.

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