New Projects
Modernizing DLI Infrastructure
MNIT and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) modernized the architecture for applications and databases by moving them to cloud servers to make them more efficient, supportable, and secure. The teams moved 71 servers by "lifting" the architectural stack from one platform and "shifting" it to another. MNIT also worked with DLI to lift and shift infrastructure with the least minimal impact on DLI business units. Similar modernization activities are needed across state government, and this initiative will offer important experience in future undertakings.
Expanded identity options for state employees
As state government becomes more welcoming and inclusive, Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) and MNIT partnered with our statewide Employee Resource Group MNclusive to give employees options to describe their individual identities. Employees can now voluntarily state their gender identity or pronouns that accurately reflect their gender identity. Pronoun data will appear soon in the employee’s Microsoft Office apps.
Expanded availability of free meals to 90,000 new students
A cross-agency pilot of a new program, Medicaid Direct Certification, resulted in the discovery of over 50,000 additional pre-K-grade 12 students eligible for free or reduced-price school meals who would not have otherwise been identified. Overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Minnesota's Children's Cabinet, the collaboration between the Department of Human Services (DHS), the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), and MNIT created a new component that compiled data from the existing direct certification system and the Medicaid system so households did not have to submit additional applications. This pilot continues the commitment the Walz-Flanagan administration has made to ensure seamless access to food for children during the pandemic through Pandemic EBT.
Improved overweight and oversize vehicle permitting system
Minnesota SUPERLOAD, a modern oversize/overweight vehicle permitting system, launched in June 2022. Commercial Motor Carriers can now order and pay fees for one or more permits with a single transaction, from any device, on any browser. System-issued permits increased by about 26%, reducing permit delays. Timely route information is provided to users through quarterly map updates and twice-daily road restriction updates from Minnesota 511.
New website for students about higher education in Minnesota
My Higher Ed Minnesota is a new website that was designed for students – of all ages and all types – parents, and educators to provide them with relevant information and resources in the hopes of making their higher education journey as easy as possible. MNIT and the Office of Higher Education built this dynamic site to include a chatbot, multi-factor searches, and tools to compare schools and calculate costs. The site currently has 1,800 visitors, 61% of them ages 18-44.
Sexual assault kit tracking system
In July 2022, the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) and MNIT launched Track-Kit, a new sexual assault kit tracking program. Track-Kit provides victim survivors with 24/7, secure access to information about the status of their sexual assault kit. They can also find victim advocacy resources and get contact information for the professionals affiliated with their kit. Track-Kit uses a barcode system to update information about a kit's status and location in real-time and in compliance with Minnesota Statute 299C.106 that mandated victim survivors have access to information about the sexual assault kit related to their incident.
Post-9/11 Veterans service bonus
On May 6, 2022, the Omnibus Veterans and Military Affairs bill provided $25M for a Veteran Service Bonus Program payable to eligible veterans who served from 9/11/01 to 8/30/21. The Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs (MDVA) partnered with MNIT and MMB to facilitate this program for eligible veterans, currently serving service members, or veterans’ beneficiaries. Within 60 days of bill passage, the teams developed an online system that processed veteran applications from entry to payment. To date, payments to 117,125 individuals totaling $18.5 million are helping veterans and their families, fueling community economies across the state, and increasing awareness of veterans' services.
Agency Metrics
Office of Transformation and Strategy Delivery
Over the quarter, MNIT’s Office of Transformation and Strategy Delivery tracked the completion of 37 projects across Minnesota’s executive branch agencies, boards, commissions, and councils.
Total projects tracked over the quarter
Total projects started over the quarter
Q3 Projects by value
158 cybersecurity incidents detected by or reported to MNIT Security Operation Center within the Office of Enterprise Security.
Type of security incident | # reported |
Compromised Password | 53 |
Forensic Investigation | 37 |
Malware | 24 |
Unauthorized Access | 5 |
Policy Violation | 5 |
Social Engineering | 3 |
Copyright Violation | 1 |
Inappropriate Use | 1 |
Lost/Stolen Device | 1 |
Network Attack/Scan | 1 |
Unauthorized Disclosure | 1 |
Other | 24 |

The Procurement Division is responsible for processing all requests to purchase everything from IT hardware, software, and mobile devices to contractors brought in to assist on projects.
Number of Purchase Requests

Average Processing Time (days)

Purchase Request Volume
Average purchase request processing time (days)
Geospatial Information Office
The Minnesota Geospatial Information Office coordinates geographic information systems (GIS) within the state, creating connections between state agencies and other stakeholders from government and non-government organizations.
Number of projects the office supports and hosts
Number of resources on the Minnesota Geospatial Commons
Orgs sharing their data on the Minnesota Geospatial Commons
+24 Million
Number of hits on the geospatial image server
Office of Accessibility
The Office of Accessibility is charged with overseeing the implementation of accessibility standards for all executive branch employees and state agencies.
Number of downloads of the Office of Accessibility’s guidance documents
Number of people who have taken or are taking the Accessible Word training course through the state employee training system, known as ELM
Number of downloads of the Office of Accessibility’s quick cards
Enterprise service desk
Our enterprise service desk provides 24/7 IT support and services for Minnesota state government: executive branch agencies, boards, councils, and commissions; non-executive branch customers, education, tribal governments, nonprofits; and MNIT staff.
Total volume of all service desk tickets across the executive branch
Number of those tickets resolved the same day
Percentage of service desk tickets resolved in one day
Average rating of service desk interaction (1-5 scale)
IT Optimization Updates

CloudRAMP (Cloud Readiness and Modernization Project) is MNIT’s enterprise project to identify and modernize applications to begin moving into the Azure cloud.
Migrated Services: 64
Servers built in Azure: 116