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Accessible PDF Training

Welcome to the State of Minnesota’s free e-Learning program on how to create accessible PDF documents. Each module is short and focuses on a single topic. If you are new to PDF accessibility, start at the beginning and work your way through the number sequence. If you have some experience with accessibility, start with the introduction, “PDF Basics,” then select whatever topic you need to learn right now.

Training Modules

1 PDF Basics

A brief overview of familiarizing yourself with Acrobat Pro, how to set up your software for maximum productivity, and key first steps to creating accessible PDFs. For example, start with an accessible source document.

PDF Basics Transcript

2 Document Properties

Setting your document properties.

Document Properties Transcript

3 Tags

An introduction to PDF tags.

Tags Transcript

4 Walk the Tag Tree

How to walk the tag tree and what it does for you.

Walk the Tag Tree Transcript

5 Document Structure and Bookmarks

How headings create document structure and bookmarks

Document Structure and Bookmarks Transcript

6 Hyperlinks

Creating and managing hyperlinks.

Hyperlinks Transcript

7 Color

How to test color contrast in your source document

Color Transcript

8 Images

About Figure tags, alternate (alt) text, captions, and decorative images

Images Transcript

9 Lists

Creating or adjusting lists.

Lists Transcript

10 Tables

How to work with tables.

Tables Transcript

11 Testing

How to use the accessibility checker and understand the results

Testing Transcript

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