MNIT’s wide area network (WAN) service connects agency sites to the state network known as Minnesota’s Network for Enterprise Telecommunications (MNET). WAN services enabling secure, reliable connectivity and support for data communications between agency sites, MNIT Enterprise data centers, external party sites, and to the internet. MNET backbone speeds are up to 100Gbps, with up to 1Gbps wire speed to the desktop in most locations.
MNIT provides WAN connectivity to executive branch agency sites at service tier levels that provide a specified network capacity in bandwidth. Agencies are assigned a WAN connection service tier that is designed to support peak levels of activity at each location.
Tiers are defined in terms of the number of users at a site or “office”. However, the user count is only one metric that is considered in determining the appropriate tier for a site. An agency should work with MNIT Relationship Management (651-556-0799) to coordinate the determination of site bandwidth requirements.
The top tiers of WAN Connectivity service generally use dedicated circuits. Otherwise, WAN connectivity is provided via secure and encrypted internet connections using virtual private network (VPN) technology.
Agencies procure and pay separately for circuits to connect their sites to MNET.
The WAN Connectivity service offering includes:
Supply and support the core MNET network infrastructure hardware and component technologies such as routers, transmission media (fiber optic backbones, network cable, etc.). This does not include the customer’s premise equipment.
Software tools and technologies to manage and monitor the network, including usage reporting, network monitoring, performance analysis and reporting, alert and event management, problem determination, router/firewall configuration and provisioning, and support for configuration and change management.
Installation and Configuration
Install and configure core MNET technologies such as router and transmission media (e.g., fiber optics backbones, network cable).
Upgrade and enhance the core MNET environment as required to ensure that MNIT customers have ongoing access to WAN capacity, performance, security, and availability to meet business requirements.
Manage and complete an agency’s custom projects that require MNET service to new or moved facilities, or for agencies that require enhancements to existing services. These projects will include the planning, design, engineering, and implementation required to achieve the agency’s requirements.
Provide guidance to agencies in the sizing for new or expanded existing network circuits to ensure the changes are consistent with the agency’s forecasted growth trends, are a cost-effective option, and can be fulfilled by MNIT and/or a qualified vendor.
Support and Administration
Provide 24/7 user support services through the Enterprise Service Desk.
Provide hardware and firmware maintenance for supported network devices and components.
Perform 24/7 monitoring and alerting on MNET.
Provision, install and configure expansions to the core MNET environment (e.g., router and transmission media).
Monitor network traffic to detect security threats.
MNIT provides high capacity, secure WAN access for Minnesota counties and state government agencies through the State County Collaboration Program (SCCP). WAN access through SCCP includes circuit, device (router), PE port, bandwidth, firewall services, and support/maintenance. Participating counties are charged a monthly tiered rate based on their county’s population. State agencies participating in the program are charged a tiered rate based on the population served in the agency’s partner counties.
WAN Professional Services may be provided on an as-needed basis for work efforts outside of normal support due to their size, scope, timing, or complexity.
The top tiers of WAN Connectivity generally use dedicated circuits. Other tiers use internet connections, but with secure and encrypted connections to MNET using a virtual private network (VPN) technology.
All WAN tiers are not available at all locations, because some telecommunication circuits are not available in certain areas of the state.
Circuit installation costs and monthly charges for circuits are charged separately.
WAN architecture and detailed design work is billed separately on a per hour basis.
End user connections provided by LAN service connections will be made in coordination with the LAN team.
MNIT may monitor the use of this service at any time and by any reasonable means. In providing services, MNIT reserves the right to take any action necessary to protect the integrity or security of MNIT information technology systems, resources, or infrastructure.
Network performance may vary based on location of the facility, existing/local infrastructure, geography, etc.
Required maintenance is performed during standard maintenance windows, and MNIT will provide customers five business days advance notice. The standard maintenance windows for all locations for the WAN service are:
Major changes: Saturday, 4 p.m. to Sunday, 12 a.m. CST
Carrier requested changes: Daily, 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. CST
Minor planned changes: Weekdays, 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. or weekends (anytime)