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GIS Data and Maps

The Minnesota Geospatial Commons

The Minnesota Geospatial Commons is a collaborative public website where publishers can share, and users can access geospatial data, maps, services and applications - collectively referred to as geospatial resources.

Designed to meet the long-term needs of the geospatial community, the Geospatial Commons is available to the public for individuals and organizations with interests in geographic information systems (GIS) resources and knowledge.

Minnesota Geospatial Commons helps users find information and provides the ability to download many datasets in a variety of formats. Searches can be defined and narrowed using metadata and map filters. Users can also find information about web map services or Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and how to connect to them.

Publishers can efficiently share their geospatial resources and associated metadata using common tools or a Geospatial Data Resource Site (GDRS).

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