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Purchasing and Contracting

The Department of Administration purchases more than $2 billion in goods and services for the State of Minnesota and other governmental entities each year. Minnesota has been nationally recognized as a leader in public sector procurement thanks to the agency's efforts to meet customers' needs and expectations while upholding the highest legal and ethical standards of responsible business and procurement practices.

Use the links below to learn more about our purchasing and contracting services and how we can help you succeed.


We lead state government's procurement of goods and general services, striving to maximize efficiency, timeliness and cost-effectiveness.

Professional and Technical Contracts

We facilitate and oversee the state's utilization of contract services that are intellectual in nature, such as consulting, analysis, planning and more.


Admin is responsible for ensuring the open and competitive acquisition of construction services for the state of Minnesota.

Cooperative Purchasing

Our Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV) allows cities, counties, school districts and other eligible government entities to purchase goods and certain services under state contracts used by state agencies.

MMCAP Infuse

MMCAP Infuse is a voluntary group purchasing organization serving government-authorized health care facilities.

Contact Us

Have other questions about Purchasing and Contracting? Contact us for more information.

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