Reference the list below for links that may be helpful when working with Admin's Construction Services team.
- AELSLAGID - Minnesota Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design (AELSLAGID)
- American Plastics Council - The American Plastics Council Sourcebook of Recycled Plastic Products for Building and Construction .
- Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board
- Minnesota Management and Budget - State of Minnesota Capital Budgets Home Page
- ICBO Code Central - International Conference of Building Officials
- MINNCOR Industries
- Department of Administration Office of State Procurement (OSP)
- Minnesota Building Codes and Standards
- Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI)
- Minnesota's Bookstore - State Register
- Project Delivery Methods - Understanding Project Delivery for the Design and Construction of Public Buildings - AIA Minnesota
- Protecting Building Environments - CDC Guidance for Protecting Building Environments from Airborne Chemical, Biological or Radiological Attacks
- Realtors, Real Estate licenses, Brokers - Real Estate licensing is administered by the Minnesota Department of Commerce, Licensing Division, 651.296.6319 or 800.657.3978
- Risk Management Division's Property Loss Control
- Tax-forfeited property - Although State-owned, tax-forfeited property is administered at the county level. Contact the Auditor's Office in the county where the property is located.