Recycling Upgrades
Admin rolled out a series of upgrades to the State Capitol Complex recycling program in 2016. These upgrades have helped the Capitol Complex increase its recycling rates, bringing us closer to becoming a zero-waste workplace.
What has changed?

Three major changes occurred as part of the recycling upgrade.
- We introduced organics recycling—also known as commercial composting.
- We installed new collection stations, located in optimal locations and which are supported with easy-to-understand signage and instructions.
- We phased out desk-side trash collection. Employees received desk-side recycling containers and small trash bins that they are responsible for emptying at collection stations.
Admin partnered with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce’s Waste Wise Foundation to design a proven and evidence-based recycling program; the upgrades above were inspired by other organizations’ best practices and a thorough, hands-on audit of the Capitol Complex’s garbage and waste.
Why did things change?
In 2014, the legislature updated state government’s recycling goals, requiring all state agencies in the Twin Cities metro area to achieve a recycling rate of 75 percent or higher by the year 2030. The recycling rate for the State Capitol Complex in 2014 was about 70 percent. Admin worked to improve programs and practices to achieve and surpass this recycling goal and position the Capitol Complex to become a zero-waste workplace.
Beyond that, every step we take to increase our recycling rate has clear economic, environmental, and operational benefits for state government and the state at large. Read our one-pager on recycling (PDF) for more information on the importance of recycling.
More Information and Contact
More information and resources are available in the tabs below.
If you have questions or need assistance, email us at or call our Facilities Management Division (FMD) service line at 651-201-2300.