General Details
- Information about auction items should be provided four to six weeks before the date of the auction.
- Items must be delivered to the auction site by the owning agency three days prior to the auction date. Delivery must be coordinated with a designated representative from the agency hosting the auction.
- State agencies must submit a Property Disposition Request (Form 761) on all items to Shaun Denham or via fax to 651-639-4026.
- Important: Problems arising from the auction, such as a dispute initiated by a buyer regarding failure to divulge any known faults or defects with the property will be referred to the selling agency for resolution.
For Titled Motor Vehicles/Trailers
Provide a complete description of each vehicle/trailer: make, model, year, vehicle identification number (VIN), Serial Number (SN), accessories/options, approximate mileage if applicable; also specify if it's two or four wheel drive.
Submit a signed title for each vehicle/trailer at least FIVE DAYS before the auction date. No vehicle/trailer can be sold without a current, transferable title. Applications for title and administrative forfeiture certificates are NOT ACCEPTABLE.
- Sign the title on the line marked seller.
- DO NOT date it; we'll date the title at the time of sale.
- DO NOT fill in the odometer reading; this is done the day before the auction to ensure final mileage accuracy.
- DO NOT make any erasures or alterations - if you do, you'll void the title and a new one will have to be applied for.
- Complete a pollution control disclosure form for each vehicle, as required by Minn. Stat. 325E.0951, subd. 3. This statement is included on the new Certificates of Title.
Vehicle and trailer interiors and exteriors should be reasonably clean, and free of any decals, license plates, asset tags or anything that identifies it as publicly owned property. Failure to remove agency markings or decals may result in removal from the auction, or charges assessed by the host agency to accomplish these tasks.
For Miscellaneous Items
Miscellaneous items are only accepted for auction with prior approval of the host agency, coordinated through the Department of Administration.
Provide a complete description for each item (e.g., make, model year, hours of use, capacity, etc.)
Important: list any known problems for each item. Failure to divulge this information will make your agency liable for settling any disputes with the buyer.
Items should be reasonably clean, and free of any asset tags or anything that identifies it as publicly owned property. Failure to remove agency markings or decals may result in removal from the auction, or charges assessed by the host agency to accomplish these tasks.
Auction Administrative Fees and Host Fees
Metropolitan Area Auctions:
- 8 percent of the sales price.
- The maximum administrative fee per item is $750
Greater Minnesota Auctions:
- 8.5 percent of the sales price.
- The maximum administrative fee per item is $750.
Host Agencies will receive one percent of the net total proceeds to help defray their cost for holding an auction.