Ancillary Endorsements - Used to meet United States Postal Service (USPS) Move Update verification (example: Return Service Requested).
Barcode - A Post Net marking that matches the zip code enabling the mailpiece to receive a discount.
Barcode Card - Card created by Admin Central Mail that must accompany mail to be metered. It identifies a barcode that is assigned to an agency cost center. Only used for metered mail.
Barcode Read Area - The clear zone on the bottom right of the mailpiece where a barcode is applied. This area must remain free of any printing or logos or other items that may interfere with the application or reading of the barcode.
Business Reply Mail - A mailpiece used for return to your agency, postage payment guaranteed.
Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) - Required by the USPS to verify coding accuracy of automated mailings. This documentation must accompany any automated mailing.
Endorsements - Printed, handwritten or hand stamped on the mailpiece. Identifies the class of mail. All mail with the exception of letter mail weighing up to 13 ounces must be endorsed with the class of mail.
Indicia - Printed or stamped on a mailpiece to guarantee postage. Must state the following information: Class of mail, US postage paid, City of mailing (St. Paul) and permit number (171).
Inkjet Addressing - Service provided by Admin Central Mail. Allows agencies to electronically send an address file and have that information formatted to print addresses, and to automate the mailpiece.
Inserting - Service provided by Admin Central Mail. Can insert up to six inserts into a number 10 envelope. Inserts must be letter folded, (no "Z" or accordion inserts).
Interoffice Mail - Official state mail that is sent from one agency to another. Mail is sorted by Admin Central Mail and delivered to agencies by Admin staff.
Mail Pick-up Slip - Must accompany any permit mail or when stamps are being ordered.
Machine Readable - Mechanically reproduced addresses that may be read by automated equipment.
Metered Mail - Mail that has postage applied to it by a mail machine. Metered mail is postmarked and automatically date canceled.
Meter Reply Mail - Enables sender to receive envelopes back by pre-paying the postage on those envelopes that are enclosed in mailings being sent out.
Multi-Line Optical Character Reader (MLOCR) - A machine equipped with a reader and camera that applies a Post Net barcode and zip sorts mail, enabling that mail to receive automated postage discounts.
National Change of Address (NCOA) - Used to clean address lists before mailing. Meets the USPS Move Update regulation.
Nonmailable - Any mail piece unacceptable for mailing through the USPS system. Examples of this would be a mail piece that measures less than 3 by 5, or postcards measuring less than .007 in thickness.
Nonreadable Mail - Mail that cannot be read by automated sorting equipment due to font, color of background or because the piece is hand written.
Permit Mail - An alternative to meter mail, postage is paid using a pre-printed indicia. Permit mail includes first class, first class presort, presort standard (bulk), parcel post, media mail and library rate. Please consult with Admin Central Mail for minimum quantities.
Surcharge Mail - Letters that exceed 6 1/8 inches in height and 11 inches in length, and thickness that exceeds 1/4 inch will have a $0.20 surcharge applied.