The Department of Administration posts opportunities for competitive grants throughout each fiscal year. These competitive grants are awarded through an application process to applicants that most closely meet the selection criteria. The requests for proposals (RFP) are publicized here via the Department of Administration's website, as well as on the MN Grants website at http://mn.gov/grants and the MN Legacy website at www.legacy.leg.mn/opportunities-funding.
Community Grant Reviewer Opportunity
The Office of Grants Management is seeking people to volunteer and participate in our grantmaking process by serving as community reviewers who will read and evaluate grant proposals. Veterans and people with experience in developing Veterans memorials, commemorations, facilities, and park features are in a unique position to contribute to our grantmaking process and help to make decisions to distribute Legacy grants to local units of government, nonprofits, or other community-based groups for Veterans memorials to celebrate, recognize, and honor the sacrifices of those who served in the military.
For more information and to apply, please review our Community Grant Reviewer Opportunity Flyer.
To apply, please fill out our Grant Application Reviewer Interest form.
Open Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
Veterans Memorial and Commemorations Grants
Minnesota Department of Administration requests proposals for veterans memorials and commemorations to be awarded for groups celebrating, recognizing, and honoring the sacrifices of those who served in the military, including memorials, commemorations, facilities, and park features.
• The total amount of funding available for State Fiscal Year 2025 is $102,375. This Request for Proposal is for Fiscal Year 2025; funding is available until June 30, 2026. There is no funding match required.
• Up to 10 awards may be made
• Application Due Date: January 24, 2025
View FY2025 RFP (includes information about the grant requirements and application)
View answers to applicant questions (online file will be updated as questions are received)
State of Minnesota Buy Clean EPD Grants
The University of Minnesota’s Center for Sustainable Building Research (CSBR), in collaboration with the Minnesota Department of Administration and Minnesota Department of Transportation, seeks proposals from Minnesota-based manufacturers of eligible construction materials/products to create Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) under the “Buy Clean” legislative funding.
• Maximum grant per grantee will be $49,999.00.
• Grants awarded will either be assigned from the Department of Administration ($255,000 total available) or from the Department of Transportation ($310,000 total available).
• Application Due Date: January 31, 2025 by 4:30 pm CST
Buy Clean EPD Grant RFP (includes information about the grant requirements and application)