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Competitive Grant Opportunities


The Department of Administration posts opportunities for competitive grants throughout each fiscal year. These competitive grants are awarded through an application process to applicants that most closely meet the selection criteria. The requests for proposals (RFP) are publicized here via the Department of Administration's website, as well as on the MN Grants website at and the MN Legacy website at

Hmong RPA Writing System

$288,000 the first year and $292,500 the second year was awarded to MN Zej Zog to improve and develop a unified and standardized Latin alphabet form of the Hmong Romanized Popular Alphabet (RPA) writing system. No portion of this appropriation may be used to encourage religious membership or to conduct personal ceremonies or events. 

Coming Soon

$102,375 the second year is for a competitive grant program to award grants for groups celebrating, recognizing, and honoring the sacrifices of those who served in the military, including memorials, commemorations, facilities, and park features. 

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