The following is a description of common error codes for this screen:
ADODB.Commanderror '800a0d5d'
Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation.
/vendor/Update_Category.asp, line ___
Line number will be 260, 262, 265, 268, or 273. Steps for troubleshooting each line are listed below.
- Line 260 is the Consultant Fee field - You must put a numerical value or leave as the default 0.00
- Line 262 is the Construction Cost field - You must put a numerical value or leave as the default 0.00
- Line 265 is the Project Start Date - You must enter a valid date with a month, day and year.
- Line 268 is the Project End Date - You must enter a valid date with a month, day and year. NOTE: You must use a project as a reference that has an end date of 1/1/03 or later.
- Line 273 is the Date for the Other category - You must enter a valid date with a month, day and year.