Admin oversees cafeteria management at the Capitol Complex. Catering is available from Taher Capitol Complex Dining Services. To inquire about catering services, please contact Larry Wojciechowski at 612-201-0158. Below is a listing of cafeterias, run by Taher, Inc.
Andersen Building
- Cafeteria is closed at this time.
Centennial Office Building
- Cafeteria is closed at this time.
Freeman Building
- Cafeteria is closed at this time.
Judicial Center
- Cafeteria is closed at this time.
Stassen Building
- Cafeteria is closed at this time
State Capitol
The Rathskeller (Capitol) Cafe will be closed until the 2025 legislative session.
Transportation Building
Transportation Cafe is open on a trial basis depending on the volume of customer patronage.
Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8:00 am - 1:30 pm and Friday, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM