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Citizen Services

We don't provide only administrative services at the Department of Administration. We've got a number of services for the people of Minnesota too.

Buildings and Grounds

Events, parking and maps for the Minnesota State Capitol and surrounding areas.

Data and Info

Make a government data request, learn about open meetings, explore demographic data, or read and order official state publications.

Disability Services

Find services for Minnesotans with disabilities through the state's federally-funded Developmental Disabilities Council and Assistive Technology (AT) program.


Explore state grant opportunities, information about Arts and Cultural Heritage (Legacy) Grants, and resources related to state grant-making and grants management.


Apply for event permits, see available venues, and find more information about events and rallies happening at the State Capitol Complex.

State Archaeology

The Office of the State Archaeologist, where you'll find resources related to Minnesota Archaeology, protection of burial sites and public site management.

Surplus Property

Purchase state surplus property through live and online auctions.

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