Consultant responsibilities are noted in six areas below: Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding, Construction Administration, and Post Construction. For information outside of these areas, reference our Guidelines page for more details.
Schematic Design
Schematic Design (SD) is the phase where the scale and relationships of all project components are defined.
During SD, final space requirements are determined, several schemes are reviewed, and one scheme is selected. Mechanical, electrical, and special system requirements of individual spaces, including air changes, light levels, design temperatures, and data requirements are determined, and structural needs assessed. The code plan is started, with rated walls, smoke partitions, areas of refuge and basic code information noted.
Project delivery method should also be decided during SD, and quantifiable initial documentation established for items to be commissioned. Sustainable design factors, both in the demolition and construction of the project, must start to be considered and material selection begins.
The project scope, cost and schedule are evaluated during SD, and must be in balance before the next phase, Design Development (DD), is started.
Specific Consultant Responsibilities:
The consultant shall work with the agency, facility and Real Estate and Construction Services (RECS) to review, analyze and evaluate the project scope, cost and schedule, and, for new construction, the project site. Included in the scope of work is the following:
- Attend and document meetings with the facility and agency user groups, and distribute minutes.
- Review site selection criteria as established by the program, and assist agency or facility in selection of final site.
- Coordinate sub-consultants work and information.
- Research all applicable codes, regulations, and ordinances. State building projects shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code that is the Uniform Building Code and its amendments, The Uniform Mechanical Code, the Uniform Fire Code, and the Minnesota Energy Code.
- Submit Initial Application for Plan Review form to Building Codes and Standards
- Coordinate, attend and document meeting with the code officials (State and local Building Code officials, Fire Marshal, Accessibility Council, and Health Dept. etc as required) for a preliminary review.
- Prepare several design concepts, and recommend preferred plan
- Review the manual Building Air Quality - A Guide for Building Owners, Facility Managers and Agency Contacts, and follow Item 5, Mechanical Design Requirements, and Item 6, Schematic Design.
- Research materials for project; include review of materials with a recyclable content.
- Note materials that can be obtained through a State contract
- Note products that can be made by MINNCOR
- Administer the project, document progress, and keep RECS project manager informed
- Submit Schematic Design Documents to RECS for approval, including:
- Statement of key project issues as they relate to project scope, cost and schedule, including identification of risk factors, quality control, and salient project features
- Drawings as follows:
- Site plan, with all utilities shown
- Code Plan
- All floor plans
- Mechanical, electrical and equipment room plans noting size and headroom requirements for all major mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, communication and data equipment, loading docks, intake air vents, chimneys, and other equipment
- Principal building elevations
- Major building sections
- Statement of Value Engineering
- Building Code analysis and notes from meeting with Code Officials
- Building area tabulation compared to original building program
- Preliminary energy analysis
- Outline specifications
- Preliminary building systems statement for:
- Building envelope
- Structural
- Mechanical (Information shall be as required by Item 6, Schematic Design, of the Building Air Quality Manual)
- Electrical (Information shall be as required by the Design Guidelines)
- Special project systems
- Preliminary Cost Plan
- Inflation to the midpoint of construction shall be included in the estimate
- Preliminary project schedule, in graphic form, with critical path noted
- Include all RECS, legislative, and Quality Analysis review periods.
- On an ongoing basis, monitor the project schedule and report on weekly.
Design Development
Design Development (DD) is the phase where the scheme selected at the end of Schematic Design (SD) is developed and refined, materials selected, mechanical, electrical, structural, etc. systems are defined, and the size and character of the entire project established.
During DD, the plans, sections and elevations are drawn to scale, principle dimensions are noted, the structural system is laid out, and major mechanical and electrical components and distribution routes are located. Critical interior spaces are drawn and elevated for review, and preliminary specifications assembled. Materials selection is finalized, and the Room Finish Schedule developed.
It is important that when DD is finished, the user understands and approves of all aspects of the design.
As in SD, the project scope, cost and schedule are evaluated during DD, and must be in balance before the Construction Documents (CD) are started. Written approval to proceed into CD must be received by the consultant before that phase is started.
Specific Consultant Responsibilities:
The consultant shall review the State's response to the SD submittal, and start DD by making any changes required. The consultant will continue to work with the agency, facility and Real Estate and Construction Services (RECS) to finalize the design. Included in the scope of work is the following:
- Review the State's response to the SD submittal, and adjust the project scope as required
- Attend and document meetings with the facility and agency user groups, and distribute minutes
- Administer the project, document progress, and keep RECS project manager informed
- Coordinate sub-consultants work
- Refine the Code Analysis
- Finalize the design
- Finalize materials selection
- Submit Design Development Documents to RECS for approval.
- Drawings as follows:
- Site Plan
- Code plan
- All floor plans
- Principal building exterior elevations
- Major building sections
- Typical wall sections and details
- 1/4" plans and elevations of typical, critical, and special interior spaces
- Structural drawings
- Mechanical drawings
- Electrical drawings
- Statement of Value Engineering
- Mechanical information statement that responds to all of the requirements in Item #7, Design Development, of the Building Air Quality Manual
- Room finish schedule
- Preliminary list of alternates
- Building area tabulation compared to SD
- Preliminary specifications
- Updated construction estimate
- Include inflation factor to midpoint of construction
- On an ongoing basis, monitor project budget and report weekly.
- Updated project schedule, in graphic form, with critical path noted
- Include all RECS, legislative and Quality Analysis review periods
- On an ongoing basis, monitor the project schedule and report weekly.
Construction Documents
Specific Consultant Responsibilities
- Continue to administer the project work and coordinate with agency, facility, State Project Manager and design team to finalize the design.
- Update and confirm space program, scope, cost and schedule with State Project Manager & user agency.
- Obtain & review State's DD review comments on submittal documents and incorporate comments into CDs.
- Review progress of documents in meeting with State Project Manager and user agency at 50% and 90% stage of completion.
- Prepare final drawings, specifications, conditions of the contract and bidding requirements based on approved DD documents and in sufficient detail for bidding and construction of the project.
- Review specifications to avoid sole source manufacturers and provide designs to obtain more competitive bidding while remaining compatible with existing installations.
- Prepare final building code analysis and update the Code Record and Code Plan(s).
- Finalize the Estimated Cost of Construction; value engineer as required to maintain allocated and approved budget.
- Identify construction testing needs and communicate to the State's Project Manager. Quality assurance testing shall be indicated in each specification division; defining the type of test and method; test frequency; test pass/fail tolerance; and action required for failed tests.
- Conduct final review of the State's Design Guidelines for inclusion into documents.
- Review HARDWARE /keying with the Facility prior to publishing for bids.
- Obtain from the State Project Manager and edit the Division 00 Sections and related Construction Contract forms to be included in the Project Manual. Assign a Section number and list the documents in the Table of Contents.
- Coordinate with facility to schedule a Pre-bid conference. Attend and document the conference.
- Certify Drawings for bidding and construction.
- Meeting minutes.
- Letter response that all SD & DD review comments have been incorporated into the documents. Provide written explanation for any review comments not incorporated into the documents. Confirm elements, scope, cost and and schedule.
- Updated Schematic Design and Design Development Instruments of Service/Deliverables. Updates to program areas, scope, cost and schedule are to be a tabulated comparison. Submit 50% and 90% complete documents.
- Written responses to regulatory/legal reviews or inquiries (i.e. code officials, CAAP Board, Health Department, Pollution Control Agency, Municipality, Federal agency, etc).
- Include Sustainable design elements/products incorporated into the project.
- Assist in the solicitation and review of proposals from three independent testing companies. Make recommendation for selection to the State.
- Edit the State's Division 00 front end documents (Advertisement for Bids, Bid Proposal Forms, etc.)
- Bid Date, Time, Place
- Substantial & Completion date/liquidated or actual damages
- Alternates and Unit Prices
- % of Targeted Group Goal requirement
- Security requirements for contractors working at detention facilities.
- Builders Risk Insurance requirement
- Advertisement for Bids: (Consultant shall edit in coordination with MN Dept. of Administration's Office of State Procurement (OSP) and State Project Manager). Include Pre-bid conference date/time/location.
- Submit 100% complete set of documents (plans & specs) to state's independent quality control consultant. Incorporate review comments into documents. Submit documentation of review and comments.
- Submit a 100% completed set of documents to the Minnesota State Historical Society. Provide written documentation of the review and comments to State.
- Include all design professionals' CERTIFICATION SIGNATURES on drawings and on a signature sheet in the Project Manual. Obtain State APPROVAL SIGNATUREs for the cover sheet of the Drawings.
- Request for Payment, Consultant Agreement
Bidding Phase
In the Bidding phase, construction documents are available for review by those wishing to bid on the project.
Contractors are encouraged to ask questions during this period; answers and clarifications are made by Addendum. A Pre-bid meeting is held for most of the projects, and all those wishing to bid on the project are expected to attend. Bidders will be responsible for all of the information given at the meeting.
Specific Consultant Responsibilities:
The consultant shall print the plans and specifications, distribute the bid documents, and put out all required addendums. Included in the scope of work is the following:
- Submit a copy of the bid documents and the Application for Plan Review to Building Codes and Standards
- Note that the review fee will be paid through RECS using project funds
- Respond to all review comments, taking corrective action as required
- Submit bid documents to all appropriate review authorities, such as the Department of Health and Accessibility Council.
- Submit a set of bid documents to both RECS and MMD
- Send copies of bid sets to Builder's Exchanges
- Issue bid sets to requesting contractors
- Take contractor questions, review substitution requests with RECS PM, and issue addenda
- Administer the Pre-bid walk-through
- Make Award recommendation
Construction Administration
In the Construction Observation phase, the project is constructed, and the consultant observes the construction, and issues instructions to the contractor.
The construction period begins with the Notice to Proceed. This sets the start date, with the end date as noted on the Bid Form. A Preconstruction Conference will be held before construction is started, and shall include the Real Estate and Construction Services (RECS) Project Manager (PM) and representatives from all prime contractors, subcontractors, facility, and agency. Regular meetings are held throughout the course of construction, and testing shall occur per the specifications. Changes in the project scope and schedule must be approved by the RECS PM, and a Supplemental Agreement processed prior to the work being done. The consultant shall provide the contractor with a punch list near the end of the project, and Substantial Completion shall be reached on or prior to the specified date of completion.
The consultant shall conduct a pre-warranty inspection 10 months after the Date of Substantial Completion.
Specific Consultant Responsibilities:
The consultant shall observe the construction per conditions of the contract, interpret the requirements of the contract documents, and advise the State concerning performance of the contractor. Included in the scope of work is the following:
- Represent, advise, and consult with the State
- Together with the RECS PM, conduct the Preconstruction meeting
- Use the Preconstruction Meeting Form
- Observe construction to keep State informed of progress
- Conduct regularly scheduled construction meetings
- Take meeting notes in a format that follows the RECS Meeting Note Guidelines
- Distribute notes to attendees and all other appropriate people
- Observe construction as appropriate for the stage of work
- Record and evaluate work progress, and submit a field report to RECS PM
- Review, sign, and submit contractor Pay Request to RECS PM in a timely manner.
- On an ongoing basis, monitor the project budget and report weekly.
- On an ongoing basis, monitor the project schedule and report weekly.
- Review and take appropriate action on submittals required by the contract documents
- Two sets of approved shop drawings shall be kept so that consultant can give one set to facility at end of project.
- Review contractor's requests for information, and issue clarifications as required
- Issue instructions to the contractor
- The agency and facility do not have the authority to direct changes in the work
- Review change requests with RECS PM
- Submit a detailed Request for Proposal to the contractor
- Note that all drawings shall be certified by the design professional
- Review extension of time required by change
- Obtain a detailed cost breakdown
- Material total shall be broken down into rate x quantity
- Labor total shall be broken down into rate x hours
- Upon written approval of RECS PM, fill out a Supplemental Agreement Construction Contracts form (S.A.), and attach cost breakdown
- Consultant shall sign back of form, and send to contractor for signature
- An Officer of the construction company must sign the S.A. and return to the consultant
- Consultant shall forward to RECS PM for processing
- When the consultant has been notified by the RECS PM that the S.A. has been executed, they shall inform the contractor to proceed with the work
- Make a prompt written notice to the RECS PM of all items that do not conform to the Contract Documents
- Conduct two inspections to determine dates of substantial and final completion of the construction
- Provide contractor with a punch list of items left to complete
- Include sign-off line for each item
- Establish date of Substantial Completion, and process form
- Obtain field as-built drawings and specifications from contractor
- Incorporate all changes into the contract documents, including all addenda items, and submit to RECS in the following form:
- 1 blue-line set of drawings
- 1 annotated specification that notes all changes and identifies products selected
- 1 reproducible set of drawings 1 electronic set of drawings, which may be on disk or CD
- Obtain complete O & M Manuals from the contractor as specified
- Review and verify they are complete, send to facility and copy transmittal to RECS PM
- Verify facility has received all specified training
- Verify contractor has supplied material stock to facility as specified
- Conduct ten month pre-warranty inspection
Post Construction
Specific Consultant Responsibilities
- Coordinate and collect information for warranty and operational manuals. Review Operations and Maintenance Manuals for completeness.
- Coordinate systems training sessions with the user agency/facility staff.
- Receive and review as-built drawings and specifications from the contractor. Verify that all addenda and supplemental agreement (change order) work are included.
- Incorporate all as-built changes onto electronic drawings and specifications.
- The AutoCAD drawing format shall meet State's Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) Guidelines.
- Schedule and conduct a ten month pre-expiration warranty inspection.
- The one year warranty period begins on the date of Substantial Completion
- Sustainability / High Performance / Commissioning
- Review Commissioning requirements with the State's Project Manager. Complete the commissioning process as required for new buildings funded after January 1, 2004, per "The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines". The commissioning is to occur after the 10 month warranty period or after completion of a full year of operation, whichever is last.
- Submit O & M Manuals to user facility/agency.
- Verify that facility has received material stock, as specified, from the contractor.
- Submit training videos for future staff training needs.
- Submit Electronic and hardcopy as built drawings and specifications as follows
- 2 copies to State's Project Manager (one for internal file; one for archiving).
- 1 copy to user facility/agency
- Submit final project information on via an updated Monthly Project Report (contained in the Design Guidelines ): final construction cost and cost per sq ft and final square footage.
- Written report from architects and engineers of record and consultants on the walkthrough inspection. Include summary of corrections to be made. Forward copies to the State's Project Manager, the user agency and the prime contractor.
- In accordance with "The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines". Submit the "Final Compliance Summary Form" for the project.
- FINAL Request for Payment, Consultant Agreement