Media Contact:
Mo Schriner, Director of External Affairs Communication
4/5/2024 3:24:36 PM
Minnesotans have recently been experiencing significant increases in premiums for homeowner and auto insurance. Four factors are primary drivers for those rising costs:
The Minnesota Department of Commerce encourages Minnesotans to be prepared in case of disaster and reduce your risks.
Review, at least once each year, the policy changes and coverage for your insurance for home, auto and other property.
Check with your insurance agent or company about whether you have adequate insurance to cover risks of loss. For example, does your insurance cover actual cost or replacement for your home or auto?
More info: Minnesota Commerce Disaster Information Center
Star Tribune (Feb. 24, 2024): Ramstad: More storms, higher costs pose a threat to Minnesotans and property insurers
Minnesota Public Radio (Feb. 15, 2024): Minnesota lawmakers try to drive home climate effects on house insurance costs
KARE11-TV (Jan. 8, 2024): As 2024 begins, rising auto and home insurance rates remain major concern
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