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Solar for Schools

Reporting Requirements

Prevailing Wage  

Because many state grant programs for construction projects are funded in whole or in part with state dollars, grant recipients and project owners must adhere to Prevailing-Wage Requirements for State Grant Programs enforced by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI).  

For questions, contact Stephanie Selb, DLI senior labor investigator, at 

Module or Inverter Recycling  

Grant recipients and/or Developers are responsible for tracking and recycling all System equipment that ceases to function as intended (for any reason), including counts of module and inverter type. This must be reported on an annual basis, by March 31 for the previous calendar year, to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). See terms of Exhibit A, Grantee Duties, Sub. 6 for further details.  

For questions, call 651-751-2211 or email Amanda Cotton, at   

Contractor Affidavit  

Contractors and their subcontractors must comply with the Minnesota Department of Revenue’s withholding tax requirements when working on a construction project contracted by Minnesota state agencies and local units of government. This includes counties, cities, and school districts. 

For questions, call 651-282-9999 or 1-800-657-3594 (toll-free) or email  

Project Milestone and Annual Check-in Forms 

Throughout the grant term, Grantees must submit four milestone check-in forms to the Department of Commerce. These are intended to be done as each task has been completed. All forms must be done so electronically through the GIW.  

Following the grant term, Grant recipients are also statutorily required to report on an annual basis, by March 31, for the previous calendar year, (1) total kWhs consumed at the installation site, (2) total kWhs generated by the solar PV system, and (3) the amount paid by the school to its utility for electricity.  

For questions, email

  • SFS Annual Check-In Data Template [COMING SOON]

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