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Information about certification and registration for Minnesota's Placing-in-Service program. Also includes a list of registered/certified entities.

Placing-in-Service Program and Registration

General Requirements

A voluntary registrant must provide acceptable documentation that they are fully qualified to placing-in-service commercial weighing or measuring equipment. This means a placing-in-service report must be completed and sent to the Weights and Measures Division for all newly installed, repaired, remanufactured, and rejected commercial weighing and measuring equipment. Also, a registrant must have a thorough working knowledge of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Handbook 44 2019 Edition, and Department of Commerce Rules 7601.

Class and Testing

A person interested in the placing-in-service program must attend our placing-in-service class. The class consists of an overview of the Weights and Measures Division, Department of Commerce Rules 7601, Minnesota Statutes 239, (NIST) Handbook 44, 2019 Edition, and various placing-in-service advisories. A general examination on Minnesota Rules 7601 is given to all applicants as well as a general examination on NIST Handbook 44. In addition, an examination is given for each classification a registrant has applied for. The questions in the examinations are taken from (NIST) Handbook 44 and Department of Commerce Rules 7601. This is an open book examination. Please bring all required handbooks and service advisories to the class. Classes are held monthly at the Weights and Measures office in Burnsville. Scales classes are held on odd numbered months. Meter classes are held on even numbered months. All classes start at 9:00 AM and you must be pre-registered to attend. Please call Pam Anderson at 651-539-1555 to register.

See the calendar

Equipment List

A list of the standards and test equipment required for registration and testing in each category of weighing and measuring equipment. 

Registered Placing-in-Service Companies

A list of registered PIS companies in Minnesota in Excel format with tabs for the various types of services.

Service Agent Self Study Materials

As a Weights and Measures official, you are responsible for enforcing the system of weights and measures in the United States. You are probably aware that enforcement is a function of State and local jurisdictions rather than the Federal Government. However, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has a mandate to provide technical assistance and advice to promote measurement uniformity and traceability of standards. Historically, training has been part of NIST's approach to providing this technical assistance and advice. In addition, NIST provides significant support to the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) in partial implementation of its statutory responsibility for cooperation with the States in securing uniformity in weights and measures laws and methods of inspection among the State and local jurisdictions.

Central Weights and Measures Association (CWMA) 

Do you currently have a permit? If not, will you also be working in Nebraska, or Wisconsin?

If you are in Kansas, Wisconsin or Nebraska, and need a Minnesota permit, you can take the CWMA exams there and have the scores sent here. Just let them know in advance so they can prepare the Minnesota exam for you. Then, after passing your exams, contact us for a permit application.

If you are in Minnesota, and are in need of a permit from Wisconsin or Nebraska, please let us know and we will have the appropriate exams ready. We will send your results to the appropriate state on your behalf. 

If you need information about re-certification, contact Brett Willhite.

The following states recognize the CWMA exams: Minnesota; Wisconsin; Nebraska.

The Department of Commerce, Weights and Measures Division has a voluntary registration program for service persons working with commercial weighing and measuring equipment in the State of Minnesota. The rules and regulations for the voluntary registration program are promulgated under the authority of Minnesota Statute §239.06.

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