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Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate program (HEAR)

Consumer Protection Notice

Advisory No.: 2024-002 Issued: December 5, 2024, at 08:00 CST Last Updated: December 5, 2024 at 14:03 CST Expires: March 3, 2025 at 23:59 CST Version: 1.3 

The Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program (HEAR) has not launched:

  • No rebates currently available
  • No estimated program launch date
  • Be wary of unsolicited contact about this program via phone, email, text, ads, or door-to-door sales
  • These offers are likely scams
  • Wait for official announcements from the Minnesota Department of Commerce before considering offers or applying
  • Register for announcements

The Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate (HEAR) will provide rebates to replace non-electric appliances with more efficient electric appliances, and to upgrade a home’s electrical service to be ready for increased electric demand.  

Eligible technologies and rebate amounts: 

Product Rebates
Upgrade Type Qualified Product Rebate Amount Not to Exceed
Appliance Heat Pump Water Heater $1,750
Appliance Heat Pump for Space Heating or Cooling $8,000
Appliance Electric Stove, Cooktop, Range, Oven, or Heat Pump Clothes Dryer $840
Building Materials Electric Load Service Center $4,000
Building Materials Insulation, Air Sealing, Ventilation $1,600
Building Materials Electric Wiring $2,500
Maximum Rebate Per Household n/a $14,000

*LMI Household = Low-moderate income

Rebate Limitations
Eligible Rebate Recipient Income Level Rebate Amount Not to Exceed
LMI* Household or Eligible Entity Representative Less than 80% AMI 100% of qualified project cost
LMI* Household or Eligible Entity Representative 80%-150% AMI 50% of qualified project cost

Air source heat pumps, at a minimum, must be ENERGY STAR Cold Climate certified models. Additional specifications for heat pumps are under review. Extra specifications for other technologies are still being finalized.  

Some technologies will be eligible for self-installation including: induction stove/cooktop/range or oven; heat pump water heater; and heat pump clothes dryer. 

Eligibility and rebate amounts for federal Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate will vary based on an applicant’s total household income. Check if your total household income is at or below 80% or 150% of Area Median Income (AMI) for your county using the Commerce-provided 2024 Area Median Income Look-Up Table (.pdf) that references federal income limits by county and household size. Area median income thresholds are updated annually. 

Improvements to existing single-family homes and multifamily buildings will be eligible. New homes may be eligible.  

Federal guidelines do not allow for retroactive rebates for items purchased before program launch. 

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