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Disaster Info Center

Home Inventory

When choosing homeowners insurance, most consumers think more about the value of the home than about their prized possessions inside. When determining coverage needs, it is important to know all the "stuff" in your home that warrants special protection. Insurable items not only include luxury items like jewelry and art, but also fun purchases that support personal passions. Whether it is gourmet cooking gadgets, designer handbags or high-end electronics, what you invest in personal passions can have an important impact on your insurance needs. 

One of the best ways to make sure your possessions are fully protected is to document them with a home inventory. Here's how:

How to Make a Home Inventory (Video)

  • Group your possessions into logical categories, i.e., by hobby, by room in your home, etc. 
  • Your list should include celebration purchases like jewelry and art, as well as everyday leisure items such as televisions and guitars. 
  • Don't forget items you use rarely such as holiday decorations, sports equipment, tools, etc. 
  • Pull together copies of original sales receipts and/or appraisal documents. Also note model and serial numbers. 
  • Carefully photograph or videotape each item and document a brief description, including age, purchase price and estimated current value. 
  • Store your home inventory and related documents in a safe, easily accessible place online, on your computer or in a fire-proof box or safe deposit box. 
  • Consider sharing a copy with friends, relatives and your insurance provider. 

You can download our home inventory packet [pdf] to print out and write a list or you can download our home inventory spreadsheet [xlsx] to create a list to save online. Saving the list as a spreadsheet online will make it easier to share with your insurance adjuster.

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