How to Apply for an Incentive
Please review the Request for Proposals page (RFP) before completing the application. The reference number for this program is: COMM-STOR01-20240808. The RFP page contains all necessary attachments and the link to the online portal for applications.
Step One: Reserve Funds
The first step of the application is to reserve the incentive funds. The funds are reserved on a first come, first serve basis. Developers may submit applications on behalf of their customers, but the incentive will go to the customer. The following questions are a part of step 1:
Background Information:
- Installation customer name and contact information
- Provide the name and email of the individual who is receiving the incentive.
- Are you applying on behalf of the individual receiving the incentive?
- Yes
- No
- Applicants contact information (if different from customer)
- If you are a developer submitting on behalf of your customer, please provide your name, email address and developer company name. If you are submitting on your own behalf, please select N/A
- Supplier ID
- Installation Type
- Please provide the installation type of your system, if other, please specify
- Commercial
- Residential
- Other
- Installation address
- Provide the installation address of the storage system. This must also be the same of the existing or future solar PV system.
- Where are you in the installation process?
- Describe where in the installation process your system is at. If none of the options accurately describe where your project is at, please provide a description of the status of your system.
- The storage system has been installed.
- The storage system installation has been started but not completed.
- The storage system installation has not been started.
- Other
- Anticipated installation date or date installed?
- Provide the anticipated installation date or the date the system was installed.
- Estimated interconnection date or date interconnected?
- Provide the anticipated interconnection date or the date the system was interconnected.
Utility Background:
- Utility
- Please provide the name of your electric utility.
- Utility Contact
- Provide the name of the contact you have been working with at your electric utility.
- Please describe any communications that you have had with the electric utility pertaining to, interconnection timeline, utility battery programs, utility program requirements and incentives, and any possible roadblock on their end.
- Interconnection ID
- Provide an interconnection ID pertaining to your interconnection application even if your system is already interconnected.
On-site energy storage system
The following questions pertain to the specifications of the battery system, please ensure that this information is accurate. Please upload any documentation to support your answers:
On-Site Battery Storage System Specifications:
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Number of units
- Battery kW total
- Battery kWh total
- Warranty length
On-Site Solar PV System Specifications:
- Solar PV system size (kW AC)
- Installed date or anticipated installation date of the solar array.
- One line showing both solar and battery.
Supporting Documentation Upload:
- Spec Sheet
- One line showing both solar and battery. (Please highlight the battery portion)
Total installation cost (Only the cost of the battery installation)
- Please provide the total cost of installation for only the battery storage system
Additional Information:
- Will upgrades be needed to meet fire code?
- Yes, please describe the upgrades.
- No
- Will electrical panel upgrades be needed?
- Yes, please describe the upgrades.
- No
- Intended use(s) of the energy storage system.
- Describe the intended use for your battery storage system.
- Emergency back-up
- Grid Upgrades
- Extended energy storage
- Other
- Note: The energy storage system must be connected and/or configured to the electrical components of the premises and/or on-site solar energy generating system in such a manner that does not increase the maximum output of the combined system beyond that which the solar generating system can produce at the point of interconnection, so that the system’s eligibility for a net-metering tariff limited by system size is not impacted.
- Any permits used during the installation of the system.
- Would you consider being connected with the Commerce Dept Office of Communications about opportunities to share your story with news media?
- Yes
- No
Attachments (PDF):
Please upload the following documents as a PDF. The documentation for interconnection may be a screenshot, PDF, or email. If you are submitting on behalf of the individual receiving the incentive both the Owner Attestation and Developer Attestation must be completed by their respective parties and submitted with this application.
- Owner attestation
- Developer Attestation
- Utility MOU
- Documentation showing proof of interconnection or proof an interconnection application has been submitted (Screenshot, email, PDF)
- Please provide documentation of interconnection or that an interconnection application has been submitted, this can be in the form of a PDF, email or screenshot
- W-9 if applicable
Incentive Payment
The second potion of the application is when funds will be dispersed. The applicant will be notified when they can proceed with the next portion of the application. Here are the application questions for the next portion:
Step Two: Upon Notification
The second step of the application is when funds will be dispersed. The applicant will be notified when they can proceed with step 2. Here are the application questions for step 2:
- Proof of purchase, paid invoice
- Attach any invoices to prove the purchase of the battery system.
- Supplier ID for system owner for incentive payment
- Please provide your supplier ID. Resources are located on the storage incentive program website to assist with receiving a supplier ID. Overview for Vendors / Minnesota Office of State Procurement (
- Witness Test Documentation
- Please upload the witness test document for your storage system
- Photos of installed system
- Proof of interconnection
- Please provide documentation showing the successful interconnection of your system
- Electrical Inspector contact information.
- Please provide contact for the electrical inspector of your project