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TRM v4.0 Recommendations for Residential Thermostats and Heating and Cooling Equivalent Full Load Hours
Cadmus – Results from a statistically rigorous billing analysis conducted to obtain Minnesota-specific baseline consumption and savings for homes receiving thermostats, and to determine HVAC equipment equivalent full-load hours (EFLH) for residential natural gas–fired furnaces and boilers and electric central air conditioners and heat pumps. This CARD study summarizes the data collection, billing analysis methodologies, analysis results, and recommended updates for consideration in the Minnesota Technical Reference Manual version 4.0 (TRM v4.0).

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Energy Efficiency Potential of Nanofluids
Results from CARD-study which addressed the question of whether nanofluids have the potential to increase the efficiency of heating and cooling systems. The research investigated the impacts of a commercially available nanofluid called HYDROMX on HVAC system energy usage, maintenance, and thermal comfort in six case studies. It also assessed the simple payback period of installing the nanofluid and any other non-energy impacts on the operation and maintenance of the HVAC systems.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Opportunities for CIP to Support Tribal Food Sovereignty
Explores CARD-funded research that uses the lens and framework of Minnesota’s Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) to understand energy issues related to food sovereignty and resilience in Indigenous communities in Minnesota. The project team presents results from a literature review, interviews with Indigenous food producers, and analysis of existing CIP offerings regarding how current CIP offerings can be used to support Indigenous producers. Also discusses recommendations on how CIP can support both energy savings and non-energy benefits generated through strengthened Tribal food systems.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

It’s the End of Traditional AC as We Know It –and I Feel Fine
Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD-funded market study which explored the opportunity for advancing centrally ducted air source heat pumps (ASHP) as a solution at the time of air conditioning (AC) replacement or as an AC efficiency measure in Minnesota. The study included a model-based sensitivity analysis; market research among customers, contractors, distributors and manufacturers; a review of state and national cooling and heat pump programs; and a set of program design recommendations based on research findings.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Q&A (.pdf)

Insights to Better Serve BIPOC, Low-Income and Renter Communities
Citizens Utility Board – Results from CARD-funded project which focused on identifying improvements to energy efficiency program design to increase energy savings of underserved populations. The webinar highlights key factors that impact the participation in energy efficiency programs for three subject communities (selected on the basis of energy burden, race and ethnicity, homeownership status, housing type, and language).

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Q&A (.pdf)

Energy Savings Potential of Networked Lighting Control Systems in Small Business
Franklin Energy – Results from CARD-funded project which investigated the energy savings potential of Networked lighting controls (NLC) and the challenges of deploying them in small businesses. The project conducted educational seminars in greater Minnesota, and documented performance of installed NLC in a retail store, a manufacturing facility, a sports arena and a fast-food restaurant located across Minnesota.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Power over Ethernet (PoE): What are the Benefits?
Center for Energy and Environment – Reports on findings from Department of Energy and CARD-funded project which assessed the energy and non-energy benefits of Power over Ethernet (PoE) technologies. More specifically, the study demonstrated the use of IT network switches to power and control lighting, plug loads, and HVAC in offices, schools and a hotel, and evaluated feasibility, market receptiveness, energy and cost savings opportunities, and various approaches to spur adoption.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Residential Multizone Air Distribution – An Energy Savings Opportunity?
Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD-funded project which assessed the energy savings opportunities for residential multizone air distribution systems. The project included interviews with equipment distributors, HVAC contractors, and utilities. Energy simulation models of one- and two-story houses with single-zone and multizone distribution systems were developed which evaluated the impact of over- and under-heating and cooling on annual energy use and estimated the potential energy savings for strategic temperature setbacks in individual zones.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Racked Tankless Water Heaters: Savings and Efficiencies
Gas Technology Institute – Results from CARD-funded project which installed central condensing tankless service hot water heating systems in two multifamily buildings to verify energy savings potential in Minnesota, quantify benefits and potential drawbacks, and extrapolate the results to other applications such as hotels, schools, and universities.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

The Low Down on High Performance Envelope Retrofits
Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD-funded project which discusses results from a recent CARD project that investigated moving beyond weatherization to consider the next steps in envelope efficiency. It reports on barriers and opportunities uncovered through direct outreach with key stakeholders, as well as results from a model developed to understand variations in existing building stock and how they impact space heating loads and the costs of efficiency measures to reduce those loads.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Expanded Scope of Commercial Boiler Tune-Ups
Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD-funded project which discusses how expanding the scope of commercial boiler tune-ups can significantly increase tune-up savings per participant and reach additional buildings that have not had large participation in traditional boiler tune-up programs which focus only on burner adjustments. Results from the development and field testing of a controls tune-up protocol that focuses on optimizing boiler system temperature and staging control settings are presented.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Q & A (.pdf)

Energy Efficiency Opportunity Potential at Minnesota Water Utilities
Minnesota Technical Assistance Program – Results from a two-year CARD research project which investigated energy use and efficiency opportunities for municipal drinking water supply operation. The study included a literature review, surveys of a cross-section of the state’s water supply and treatment plants, interviews with a variety of industry stakeholders ranging from engineering firms to electric utilities, and detailed site assessments at a select number of water utilities. Aggregated data was used to create energy conservation recommendations applicable to water utilities across the state and to estimate the overall state-wide potential energy savings from a specific set of six measures.

Slide Deck

Field and market assessment of heat pump clothes dryers
Slipstream – Results from CARD-funded project which included field and consumer research conducted in Minnesota over several years examining the potential for adding heat pump clothes dryers to utility program portfolios. The webinar looks at the energy and non-energy co-benefits of full-size hybrid heat pump clothes dryers in single family homes, users’ experience with dryers, and the potential application of ventless heat pump dryers in multifamily new construction.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Question & Answer (.pdf)

Minnesota Codes and Standards Program Roadmap
2050 Partners, Slipstream, Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, LHB – Summarizes results from CARD-funded project which sought to provide the foundation for developing robust Minnesota Codes and Standards (C&S) support programs that contribute to delivering cost-effective energy savings. Includes recommended pathways for Minnesota utilities to participate in and claim savings from C&S activities.

Slide Deck(.pdf)

Conservation Improvement Program Opportunities in the C&I Refrigeration Market
Center for Energy and Environment, Cascade Energy, Slipstream, kW Engineering – Results from CARD-funded project which investigated the barriers and opportunities for utility driven Commercial and Industrial refrigeration efficiency in grocery stores, food processing facilities, cold storage warehouses, and ice arenas. Discusses outcomes from in-depth interviews with facility managers, contractors, distributors, utility program managers and more.

Slide Deck 

Reconsidering Cooling Loads in Minnesota
Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD-funded project which investigated opportunities for more efficient cooling in Minnesota. The webinar discusses the current state of cooling in Minnesota; innovations in cooling technology; barriers to higher-performance cooling systems; and opportunities for homeowners, contractors, and programs to increase the overall performance and energy efficiency of their systems.

Slide Deck 

Load shifting: the market potential for carbon and energy savings
Slipstream and Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD-funded research which quantifies the economic, energy, and emissions impacts of measures that shift load – with or without saving energy – identifying how load shifting measures may fit within Minnesota’s energy efficiency program. The team also modeled multiple measures in future planning scenarios, including higher penetrations of renewable generation.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Q&A (.pdf)

Demystifying Stand-Alone Dehumidifiers
Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD-funded project which surveyed 170 homeowners, performed 62 site visits, and closely monitored 20 dehumidifiers to measure field performance and operation to learn how and why portable dehumidifiers are used in single family homes. The webinar discusses recent changes to dehumidification energy standards, clears up common misconceptions about portable dehumidifiers, and gives an up-to-date characterization of dehumidifier use in Minnesota households.

Slide Decks (.pdf)

Improve Your Commercial Light Levels and Save on Cost
Slipstream – Results from CARD-funded project which investigated the characteristics of light levels in LED-lit commercial buildings. Discusses the potential for energy savings associated with optimizing light levels for specific spaces and makes recommendations for utility programs.

Slide Deck 

Capture Energy Savings in New Commercial Construction in Minnesota
Slipstream – Results from CARD-funded project which characterizes energy code elements of 78 commercial projects that are under construction or newly constructed in Minnesota. Discusses how the research team collected data on each of these building segments through a detailed construction plan review and site visit. Outlines energy savings opportunities through existing energy codes and those beyond code including implications for utility conservation improvement programs

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Q&A (.pdf)

Energy Savings Opportunities in New and Renovated Minnesota Homes
Slipstream – Results from CARD-funded project which visited 100 Minnesota homes that were either newly built or renovated and modeled their characteristics to discover a baseline of energy use. Discusses the degree to which these homes are at or above current code and the potential for beyond-code energy savings, including recommendations for utility programs.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Q&A (.pdf)

Economic Impacts of Minnesota’s Conservation Improvement Program
Cadmus – Results from CARD-funded study which analyzed how investments made in 2013-2018 by the Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) impact the state economy. Topics include benefits from reductions in harmful emissions; impacts on employment, labor force, economic activity and disposable personal income; sectors experiencing the largest changes in employment; changes in consumer purchasing power over time; cost-effectiveness using standard tests to evaluate CIP; and potential rate impacts.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Understanding the Market Barriers & Opportunities for Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pumps in Minnesota Residential Households
Cadmus – Results from CARD-funded market study which assessed: awareness of cold climate air source heat pumps (ccASHPs) in single family households in Minnesota; consumer and HVAC contractor attitudes toward ccASHP; HVAC contractors’ willingness to recommend ccASHP; consumers’ willingness to purchase ccASHPs at various incentive levels; perceived benefits to ccASHP that resonate the most among consumers; challenges and opportunities faced by trade allies that manufacture, distribute and install ccASHPs.

Slide Deck 

Webinar Q & A 

Pay-for-Performance Utility Programs
Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD-funded white paper which used interviews, surveys, a literature review and a focus group to investigate the benefits and barriers to developing pay-for-performance programs in Minnesota for commercial utility customers. A pay-for-performance utility program model compensates building owners for energy performance over time, rather than through traditional deemed savings rebates.

Slide Decks (.pdf)

Emerging Technologies in Energy Efficiency
Evergreen Economics – Results from CARD-funded project that screened publically-funded research from California’s Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) program. The webinar highlights emerging technologies that utilities can consider incorporating into their CIP portfolios, illustrates fact sheet and a database of nearly 300 recent and on-going grant projects both of which were developed as part of the project, and points to additional resources.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Fact Sheet (.pdf)

A Cohort Approach to Wastewater Treatment Energy Efficiency
Minnesota Technical Assistance Project with Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD-funded white paper which describes one approach to achieving significant energy savings in mechanical wastewater treatment plant. The cohort approach delivers tailored training while leveraging peer networks to effectively achieve wastewater treatment plant energy efficiency. The webinar outlines details of the approach, and how this approach may be used as a utility CIP program, including program administration considerations as a result of the geographic distribution of mechanical wastewater plants to achieve statewide energy savings.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Results and Recommendations from Electric Utility Infrastructure (EUI) Efficiency Studies
GDS Associates – summarizes the results of two recently completed projects that gathered stakeholder input on, and investigated the potential for electric utility infrastructure (EUI) efficiency in Minnesota. Includes discussion of achievable and technical EUI potential in state, key stakeholder feedback and recommendations, and a draft action plan.

Slide deck (.pdf)
Fact Sheet (.pdf)

Next Generation of Plug Load Control: Tier 2 Power Strips
Slipstream – Discusses results from CARD-funded project which investigated the energy savings and user feedback for two different Tier 2 Advanced Power Strips in commercial buildings. The webinar also provides insights for implementing this strategy successfully.

Fact Sheet (.pdf)

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Minnesota Energy Efficiency Potential Study: 2020-2029
Center for Energy and Environment – overviews results and recommendations from CARD-funded energy efficiency and carbon savings potential study, including an explanation of the in-depth data collection and analysis undertaken by the project team, as well as what the outcomes can tell us about the future of utility-driven energy efficiency in Minnesota.

Slide deck (.pdf)

Q&A Document (.pdf)

Examining the Potential for Prepay as an Energy Efficiency Program in Minnesota

ACEEE – Results from CARD-funded project which both explored the elements of prepaid electric plans that may lead to reductions in electricity usage, and examined potential benefits and drawbacks for utilities and customers. In this webinar, researchers share their findings and make recommendations for how Minnesota utilities could develop pilot programs to better understand whether prepaid electricity plans are appropriate for inclusion in Conservation Improvement Program portfolios.

Fact Sheet (.pdf)

Slide Deck (.pdf)

The Electrified Frontier: Sharing Results from Stakeholder Interviews
Michaels Energy – results from CARD-funded project which interviewed stakeholders, conducted a literature review, and researched technologies on electrification in Minnesota; and serves as an introduction to the topic.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Whole Farm Energy Management Study Yields Valuable Lessons for CIP Programing
GDS Associates – Results from CARD-funded project which investigated the application of real-time energy consumption data analysis tools to identify energy conservation opportunities in agricultural settings. The tools have been shown to be effective in commercial settings, but had not been used in the agriculture sector before this study. Project partner on the study was Power TakeOff (PTO).

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Small Commercial Sector: Beyond Lighting Program Strategies
Seventhwave – Results from CARD-funded project which took a holistic look at the small commercial sector and used data from surveys and in-depth site visits to identify common characteristics and recommend program strategies for increased participation in energy efficiency programs.
Increasing Residential Boiler Efficiency with Retrocommissioning & Improved Installation
Center for Energy and Environment – results from field study which characterized high-efficiency boilers and investigated potential for practical, cost-effective steps to improve performance of high-efficiency boilers through retrocommissioning and improved installation.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Improving Energy Code Compliance through Support and Assistance Programs
Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD project which piloted two approaches to improve compliance of individual building projects: the first is to support design teams working on small to mid-sized buildings to minimize rework of plans after submission to the city; the second to provide technical assistance to city plan review staff.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Overlooked Opportunity: Compressed Air Demand Reduction through Air Tool Replacement
Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) – overviews assessment of energy consumption from pneumatic hand tools in Minnesota and the potential for replacing these tools with electric tools, including demonstration of calculator tool developed for businesses to easily identify the costs, benefits and payback from making the switch.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Calculator Tool

Demand Control Systems Deliver Efficiency in Commercial Hot Water Use
Center for Energy and Environment – Technical overview of CARD-funded study assessing the effectiveness of new demand control systems for domestic hot water systems with recirculation loops. The webinar will cover the performance of six installed systems, recommended approaches for building screening, non-energy benefits of the new systems, and specific recommendations for utility CIPs.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Intelligent, Networked, Retrofittable Water Heater Controller
Gas Technology Institute with Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD-funded field study which sought to validate the performance, cost-effectiveness, and energy savings of a smart water heater controller installed on 33 water heaters in Minnesota. The webinar provides an overview of the controller, summarize the scope of the field study, and discuss findings and recommendations, including how a control such as this one may fit within utility CIP program activities.

Slide Deck 

Advanced Commercial Clothes Dryer Technologies
Gas Technology Institute – discusses the results and program implications from a CARD-funded field study which assessed the performance and savings of two advanced retrofit technologies on commercial clothes dryers: moisture sensors and modulating gas valves.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Opportunities for Making Minnesota Low Income Programs more Effective
APPRISE, Inc. – Results from CARD-funded statewide policy analysis and evaluation of low-income (LI) programs in Minnesota’s utility CIP portfolios. Outcomes of the study are intended to help Commerce staff and other stakeholders develop a better understanding of how LI CIP programs in Minnesota operate and how they might be made more effective.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Real Performance in Real Buildings: Using Performance-Based Procurement in New Construction Projects
Seventhwave – Overview of outcomes from a CARD-funded pilot of a performance-based procurement process that allows building owners to specify and include energy performance targets in project request for proposals. Results from both programmatic and customer perspectives on how performance-based procurement works are presented.

Slide Decks (.pdf)

Humidification Retrofits Deliver Residential Furnace Efficiency
Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD field study which installed and tested the transport membrane humidifier (TMH) technology in four Minnesota homes. The device can retrofit the standard older furnaces to make them as or more efficient than new furnaces. This webinar provides a technical overview of the field assessment, measured energy savings, occupant feedback, and evaluation of cost-effectiveness for this type of technology.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Ongoing Commissioning in Outpatient Medical Facilities
Ongoing Commissioning in Outpatient Medical Facilities

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Field Assessment of Cold-Climate Air-Source Heat Pumps
Center for Energy and Environment – Overviews results from CARD field study testing the potential for the newest generation of air-source heat pumps (ASHP) which, as a result of technological improvements, can operate down to outdoor temperatures between 0oF and -13oF. This webinar included field data and analysis of how ASHPs performed at six different sites, as well as information on occupant comfort, cost-effectiveness, and how ASHPs interact with secondary heating systems.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Webinar Script (.pdf)

Industrial Battery Charger Field Study
Franklin Energy – Results from CARD field study in the commercial/industrial sector which set out to evaluate the actual performance of high frequency battery chargers in order to determine if they are a viable energy savings measure that can be included in utility Conservation Improvement Programs in Minnesota.

Slide Deck.pdf

Statewide Commercial Behavior Segmentation and Potential Study
Illume Advising and Seventhwave – Results from CARD study which measured the human and technical potential of behavior change among Minnesota small and medium businesses with less than 100 employees across key end uses. The study breaks out savings potential by end use practices for different regions and utilities in the state, as well as addresses the human barriers and drivers to adopting these practices within organizations. Results provide utilities in the state with the information necessary to assess savings opportunities and funding needs to support behavioral program development in the commercial sector.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

MNeeo Program Pilot–Expanding New Construction Design Assistance Statewide
Weidt – Results from CARD-funded pilot that explored how utility design assistance programs, which have been successful in incentivizing the installation of specific energy efficient measures that otherwise would not be installed, might be applied to markets served largely by smaller municipal and cooperative consumer-owned utilities in Minnesota where new construction activity is more sporadic. The webinar summarize the results of the pilot including potential and recommendations for future program development.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Small Embedded Data Center Pilot Program
Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD-Funded pilot program that utilized field studies and stakeholder engagement to gather information to improve the operational efficiency of small embedded data centers in Minnesota commercial and industrial settings. The webinar reviews study findings, recommendations for utility services, and guidance for energy savings in the field.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

The Ons and Offs of Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) Effectiveness
Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD-funded field study that characterized representative energy recovery systems in Minnesota commercial and institutional buildings, and identified common problems that diminish their effectiveness compared to their design intent. The webinar will cover study findings, recommendations for utility services, and guidance for operational enhancement in the field.
New Technology for Efficient Multifamily Building Envelope Sealing
Center for Energy and Environment – Findings from CARD-funded study which demonstrated the abilities of an aerosol sealant developed by researchers at UC Davis Western Cooling Efficiency Center to seal leaks in building walls, floors, and ceilings. The webinar will discuss results from testing this technology in multifamily buildings as well as cost-effectiveness, and recommendations on how utilities and contractors can utilize this new technology.
Best Practices to Optimize Commercial Condensing Boilers
Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD field study which monitored condensing boilers in eleven buildings, finding that on average these boiler are achieving just over half of expected savings. The investigation also estimated savings for a number of control, burner adjustment and piping changes that if implemented can improve boiler efficiency, and summarized implications for CIP programs in Minnesota.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Game Changer: Cost-Effective Duct Leakage Reduction in Large Commercial Buildings
Center for Energy and Environment – Results from CARD-funded field study which evaluated and tested methods for capturing and quantifying energy savings from duct leakage sealing. The webinar provides an in-depth look at the study findings, including duct leakage characteristics in commercial and institutional buildings, retrofit duct sealing efficacy, the potential for cost-effective energy savings and greater operational control of building HVAC systems, and lessons learned from a recently completed retrofit pilot.

Slide Deck (.pdf)

Research Results: Improving Installation and Maintenance Practices for Minnesota Residential Furnaces, Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps
Seventhwave – Video summarizing results from CARD field study which looked at savings potential and CIP program strategies associated with quality installation and maintenance of residential HVAC equipment in Minnesota. The research included interviews with trade allies, telephone surveys with more than 700 homeowners, field tests on more than 100 residential systems and a year’s monitoring on nearly 60 systems.
How to get Top Performance from your Furnace, Air Conditioner or Heat Pump
Seventhwave – Based on results from CARD field study which investigated quality installation and quality maintenance of residential HVAC equipment in Minnesota, this video addresses the most important steps homeowners can take to get top performance and superior comfort from their systems. It includes what to talk with your installer or service provider about as well as pointers on what you can do on your own.
Measuring Airflow for Residential Forced-Air Systems for HVAC Professionals
Seventhwave – Based on results from CARD field study which investigated quality installation and quality maintenance of residential HVAC equipment in Minnesota, this video is for HVAC system professionals and talks about why proper air flow is important, how it affects system efficiency in the upper Midwest, and the pros and cons of different ways to measure air flow on residential air conditioners and heat pumps.
Commercial Rooftop Units in Minnesota: Characteristics and Energy Performance
Seventhwave and Center for Energy and Environment – Results of CARD-Funded study which characterized existing packaged roof-top units and the new/replacement market for roof-top units in Minnesota. The webinar also reports on the results of monitoring the energy performance in a sample of roof-top units.
Advancing the Last Frontier: Reduction of Commercial Plug Loads
Seventhwave, Center for Energy and Environment and LBH Architects – Results of CARD field research study which demonstrated and measured savings from potential plug load reduction strategies in office buildings. The study also characterized the types of devices and baseline usage in those offices, and documented occupant acceptance, operational issues and the cost-effectiveness of reduction strategies. In addition to summarizing results, the webinar lays out a number of actions that can be taken by building operators, designers, energy professionals and utility program professionals to combat this growing load.

Slide Deck

Minnesota Manufactured-Home Characterization Study
Seventhwave – Results of CARD large-scale field study of Minnesota’s manufactured homes to identify energy savings potential. The study included a telephone survey of more than 600 residents of manufactured homes as well as detailed on-site data collection of nearly 100 homes. The webinar discusses the research methodology and summarize key findings that can inform energy programs for this particular segment of residential customers.

Slide Deck

CARD 2016 Stakeholder Meeting
Minnesota Department of Commerce – Recording of February 2016 stakeholder meeting on the CARD program, including a description of the RFP process, tips on creating successful CARD proposals, a response to questions about CARD, and an opportunity for participants to offer suggestions and feedback regarding the CARD program

Webinar Slides (.pdf)

The ABCs of Hotel Energy Efficiency: Advanced Technologies, Benchmarking, and Comfort
Michaels Energy – Results from a CARD energy efficiency program pilot for Minnesota hotels which show significant opportunities to reduce energy use with no negative impact to guest comfort and paybacks frequently 2 years or less. Recommendations for utilities, hotels, contractors and regulators on how to better serve this market sector are shared.

Hotel Webinar Slides(.pdf)

Aggregate Economic Impact of the Conservation Improvement Program 2008-2013
Cadmus – Results from a CARD project conducted by Cadmus which quantified and describe the impacts of statewide CIP-related activities and resulting energy savings that accrue through 2032 for eight economic barriers: employment, employee earnings, household income and savings, business revenue, industry production, capital investment and innovation, state domestic product and utility electricity and natural gas rates.

CARD Stakeholder Meeting Webinar Slides (.pdf)

Demand Control Ventilation: Maximize Savings with Practical Approaches
Seventhwave – Results of a CARD field study which investigated demand control ventilation (DCV) in several Midwest commercial buildings. The primary focus of the presentation is on DCV for variable air volume systems and will include discussion of field study results as well as best practices for implementation of DCV systems.

DCV Webinar Slides (.pdf)

DCV Fact Sheet(.pdf)

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