License Renewal
You may renew your license no more than 90 days before its expiration date. If you try to renew more than 90 days prior to its expiration you will receive a message that states: "The National Producer Database found your resident license but did not identify any licenses for renewal at this time. Please try again at a later date.”
To process your renewal please visit Sircon.
Renewal Fees
Producer license renewal fees are $50 per line of authority plus the current technology surcharge.
Adjuster license renewal fees are $50 plus the current technology surcharge.
Agency license renewal fees are $200.
Continuing Education
Resident Producers and Resident Adjusters please verify your CE transcript on Sircon.
The CE transcript must show that you were CE compliant on or before your expiration date before the renewal will be approved.
Contact your course provider directly if you have taken a course that is not listed on your CE transcript. The Department of Commerce cannot assist you with this issue. All completed continuing education courses must be uploaded by the course provider.
No credit will be earned if the licensee has previously obtained credit for the same course during the same licensing period.
A licensee will not receive credit for more than eight hours of continuing education in one day.
To process your reinstatement please visit Sircon.
An individual insurance producer or adjuster who allows the license to lapse may, within 12 months from the due date of the renewal fee, reinstate the license without the necessity of passing a written examination. However, a penalty in the amount of twice the unpaid renewal fee must be paid by the individual for any renewal fee received after the due date.
The licensee must be CE compliant before the reinstatement will be approved.
Reinstatements are not allowed for business entities. If your business entity license has lapsed you will need to reapply for the license.
If your license has been expired for more than 1 year you will need to reapply for the license. If an exam is required for licensure you will need to retest, get fingerprinted, and reapply for the license.