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Frequently asked questions about Minnesota’s Energy Assistance Program

What is the Energy Assistance Program?

Minnesota’s Energy Assistance Program helps pay heat and electricity costs. Energy Assistance is free for eligible households.

How do I know if I qualify?

Both renters and homeowners can qualify for Energy Assistance. Eligibility is on a sliding scale based on household size and the most recent one month of household income. For example, a family of four could earn up to $68,845 annually and qualify.

How does the program work? 

Payments for energy bills are sent directly to the household’s energy company or delivered fuel (e.g., propane, fuel oil, wood, etc.) provider. Initial benefits average $550 per household and can be up to $1,400, depending on household income and fuel costs.



I received a disconnect notice, my fuel tank is nearly empty, or I've been disconnected from service. What can I do?

The Energy Assistance Program provides up to $600 in additional grants for eligible Minnesotans who need help:

  • Preventing disconnection
  • Getting reconnected to heat and power after disconnections
  • Paying for emergency fuel deliveries of propane, heating oil or biofuel

If your heat or power are disconnected, your heating fuel is gone, or your furnace stopped running, call your local Energy Assistance Program service provider immediately. 

List of EAP providers by County or Tribal government.

What else can I do to reduce my energy bill?

The Department of Commerce also administers the Weatherization Assistance Program, which provides free home energy upgrades. The upgrades save energy and help income-eligible homeowners and renters ensure their homes are healthy and safe.

There’s no need to fill out a second application for the Weatherization Assistance Program. Eligibility is determined from applications for the Energy Assistance Program. Eligible households will be notified.

What information is required on the Energy Assistance Program application?

You will need to provide:

  • Your name, contact information, and address
  • Names of the people in your household and their Social Security Number or other alternative ID number (e.g., Permanent Resident, I-94, I-766, etc.)
  • Household income information and documents verifying income
  • Your housing information
  • Names of the energy companies that provide heat and electricity and your account numbers
  • Emergency heating needs you might have 

When do I need to apply?

Applications must be received by May 31, 2025. Applications are reviewed in the order received so the earlier you apply the better

How do I know when my application is approved?

Your local Energy Assistance Program provider notifies you by regular mail or email when your application is approved. They contact you if they need additional information. There may be delays early in the program year as the application volume is very high and providers work diligently to process the applications. Contact your local provider if you have an energy emergency (potential or existing energy shut-off, low/no propane or oil) while you await application approval.

How quickly will my application be approved? 

Every Energy Assistance application will be processed, but it may take more time to process some of the applications due to several factors, including when the program funding becomes available, the volume of applications received by the service provider, and if additional information is needed.

Please be patient. Every application submitted will be properly processed. See which applications are currently being processed.

Are there translated versions of the application? 

The online application is available only in English. However, printable applications are available in the following languages:

How is my personal information used?

The Privacy Notice and Rights and Responsibilities describe how your information is used and how it is protected under state and federal laws.

How can I provide feedback or complaints?

Energy Assistance Feedback

Types of feedback we collect via this form:

  • Feedback: all feedback is considered and if additional information is needed, we will contact you.
  • Complaint: all complaints are investigated, and if additional information is needed, we will contact you.
  • Fraud allegation: all fraud allegations are investigated, and if additional information is needed, we will contact you.
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