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Minnesota Commerce Department adds to Energy Resource team to lead Minnesota’s clean energy transformation

2/14/2023 9:11:54 AM

photo of commissioner gransee
photo of louise miltich
photo of pete wyckoff

Minnesota Commerce Commissioner Grace Arnold today is appointing two assistant commissioners and realigning teams for Commerce’s Energy Resources Division that will lead the State of Minnesota’s transformation to a clean-energy economy. The two Assistant Commissioners will report to Michelle Gransee, who was appointed by Commissioner Arnold as Deputy Commissioner of Energy Resources for Commerce in December 2022. 

Dr. Pete Wyckoff will serve as Assistant Commissioner of Federal and State Energy Initiatives and Louise Miltich as Assistant Commissioner of Regulatory Analysis. Both appointees bring extensive expertise in energy policy and program design and implementation, state and federal funding, regulatory analysis, emerging energy technologies, as well as experience engaging the public on energy issues. 

“We have a historic opportunity to maximize federal dollars for Minnesota to upgrade every aspect of our energy infrastructure and succeed in having carbon-free electricity by 2040,” said Commerce Commissioner Grace Arnold. “These leaders and their teams are critical to support the many efforts at the state and local level to bring federal dollars to our state, to transition to an equitable, clean-energy future and to achieve Minnesota’s Climate Action Framework goals.” 

Commerce Deputy Commissioner of Energy Resources Michelle Gransee said, “Louise and Pete will round out our energy leadership team to carry out critical steps to expand our state’s conservation improvements, working with communities to access federal funds, bring emerging energy technologies to our state, and ensure an ongoing reliable energy infrastructure.” 

Within the Energy Resources Division, the nine business units have been realigned to focus on Commerce’s strategic priorities in energy and climate in an equitable way. The division’s business units are structured to fully leverage new federal and state funds and policies in clean energy, maintain an affordable energy system, ensure energy reliability, and provide expert technical review and analysis for both the regulated energy and telecommunications industry.

As Assistant Commissioner of Federal and State Initiatives, Wyckoff will coordinate Commerce’s efforts to bring millions in federal funds available through the Infrastructure and Jobs Investment Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to Minnesota, which represent the largest federal funding in history for the nation’s infrastructure and clean energy economy. Since 2018, Wyckoff has worked in the Office of Minnesota U.S. Senator Tina Smith and served as Senior Policy Advisor for Energy, Climate and the Environment to support the Senator’s work shaping IRA energy provisions. Prior to working for Senator Smith, Pete had a fellowship with the U.S. Department of Energy and worked in the office of former Minnesota U.S. Senator Al Franken.  Pete is an emeritus professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris (UMM), where he served on the faculty for 15 years, and was the founding director of the UMM Environmental Studies Program. He is a graduate of Drew University and obtained his Ph.D. in forest ecology from Duke University. 

As Assistant Commissioner of Regulatory Analysis, Louise Miltich will oversee the Department’s work with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission on regulatory issues, including Minnesota’s Conservation Improvement Program, Energy Planning, Energy Rates and Telecommunications. Miltich joined Commerce in 2016 and has served as Energy Program Director for the Energy Environmental Review and Analysis unit, which reviews all large energy infrastructure projects that receive permits through the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission’s process, including large-scale solar and wind farms. Prior to joining Commerce, she worked on energy issues in both the nonprofit and private sectors, including almost a decade as an environmental scientist for Barr Engineering. She graduated from Carlton College with degrees in economics and geology and has an M.S. degree in climate change geoscience from Penn State University. 

Both Wykoff and Miltich will continue to build on collaborations with multiple state agencies, regional entities, local governments, tribal nations, communities and industry, with Wykoff focused on applying for and implement federally funded programs and Miltich focused on effective regulatory analysis in energy and telecommunications.

Wyckoff will join the Department of Commerce on March 20. Miltich will transition from her current director role at Commerce to Assistant Commissioner of Regulatory Analysis on March 1. 

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Media contact: 

Mo Schriner, Communications Director
Minnesota Department of Commerce 

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