Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services
1-877-MY-MN-LAW (1-877-696-6529)
Free legal help to low-income and senior citizen clients for civil (non-criminal) legal problems including family law, government benefits, housing, probate, tax, and other matters.
Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services Clinics
(507) 396-6815 or 1-877-MY-MN-LAW (1-877-696-6529)
Mankato Office: 12 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 3000, Mankato, MN 56001
Clinics available for a variety of legal issues. Participants must be screened in advance and schedule an appointment. Upcoming clinics listed on the SMRLS website.
Blue Earth County Law Library
In the Blue Earth County Courthouse: 401 Carver Road, Mankato, MN 56002
Law library providing access to Westlaw and Minnesota legal materials, including statutes, rules, court rules, practice guides, and self-help resources
Minnesota State Law Library
(651) 297-7651
Get help finding legal information
Room G25, Minnesota Judicial Center, 25 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155
Our librarians can help you find legal information, court forms, and other materials by phone, email, or in person. In addition, we offer two clinics for those working on appeals: General Appeals Self-Help Clinic - held on the 3rd Thursday of the month. This is a brief advice clinic for people who are representing themselves. There is no income-qualification required for attendance. Unemployment Appeal Legal Advice Clinic - service for people who have already had a hearing with the Unemployment Law Judge and have also requested reconsideration and it has been denied. You can attend the clinic to get advice about how to proceed with an appeal to the Court of Appeals. Clinics held on the 2nd Thursday of the month and 4th Thursday of the month. Appointments are required. Probate Clinic - brief advice on the 1st Thursday of the month for people seeking help with a Minnesota probate issue. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit our website.
Fifth Judicial District Self-Help Workshop
(507) 594-3044
Volunteer attorney available to review documents; advise on the content of documents, legal issues and procedures, and next steps; and answering questions and providing explanation as needed. Workshop is held the first and third Wednesday of each month from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm via Zoom. Appointments are required and each appointment is 45 minutes in length. There is a $40 fee per person attending the workshop. Contact Ruth Harms at or (507) 594-3044 for more information and to make an appointment.
Justice Buses
Justice Buses are mobile legal aid offices that will travel to rural areas, bringing with them the ability to meet in person or obtain legal information so clients can stay close to home.
Legal Kiosk Project
The Minnesota Legal Services Coalition has legal kiosks in community locations throughout the state to provide access to legal aid services to individuals without access to wifi or technology. The kiosks offer the public the ability to apply for civil legal aid services, access legal resources, and in some cases, attend remote court hearings in privacy. Anyone can use the computer at one of these legal kiosks free of charge.
To find a legal kiosk available for remote court hearings, choose the option for "locations that have privacy" on the kiosk location map.
Minnesota Courts Self-Help Centers
Forms, videos and other information for individuals representing themselves in court.
Legal Advice Clinics
Directory of legal clinics and Self-Help Centers across the state.
Minnesota Unbundled Law Project
Directory of attorneys offering unbundled legal services (also known as limited scope legal services) that are customizable for your needs and budget. Practice areas include family; business; employment; real estate; benefits; housing; wills, trusts, and elder law; consumer protection and debt; and more. For more information about unbundled legal services, visit their FAQ.
Community Mediation Minnesota
Providing mediation and restorative justice resources to help resolve disputes involving neighbors, families, businesses, consumers, crime victims, landlords, tenants, or other matters.
Minnesota Lawyer Referral and Information Service (MNLRIS)
(612) 752-6699
MNLRIS connects persons with legal issues to one of over 200 qualified private attorneys practicing in over 50 areas of law. Referral counselors are available who can set up appointments with attorneys, provide general information about the legal process, and direct people to appropriate legal resources. MNLRIS is sponsored by the Hennepin and Ramsey County Bar Associations. MNLRIS also hosts a Reduced Fee Program which provides reduced-cost legal services for clients who have legal issues in Minnesota. To qualify for this program, you must have some form of stable income which lies between 125-250% of the federal poverty guidelines. If you think you might qualify, MNLRIS will conduct a financial screening over the phone.
Website providing Minnesotans with legal information and resources on a variety of civil (non-criminal) legal topics and helping connect individuals to legal aid and assistance. Live online chat help service available.
Blue Earth County Courthouse
(507) 594-3055
401 Carver Road, P.O. Box 3366, Mankato, MN 56002-3366
Minnesota Legal Advice Online (MLAO)
Volunteer attorneys answer legal questions via email for individuals who meet income qualifications.
Minnesota State Bar Association Lawyer Referral
Free online lawyer search and referral service.
United Way 211
Dial 2-1-1
Operators available 24/7 to provide targeted referrals to legal services and resources.
Public Defender - Fifth Judicial District (Mankato Office)
(507) 933-4070
12 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 2070, Mankato, MN 56001
Legal services by court appointment for low-income people who are involved in criminal and juvenile delinquency cases.
Sealing Criminal Records to Enhance Justice
If you have a criminal record for an offense that was prosecuted in state court, prosecutors from the Attorney General's Office may be able to help you determine if you qualify for expungement. If you qualify, the Attorney General's Office may be able to help you get your record sealed by the Court at no cost to you.
Mitchell Hamline Self Help Clinic
(651) 695-7609
Assistance for self-represented parties for criminal expungement. Appointments are preferred. Contact or use the online application form to request an appointment. Remote appointments may also be available. Please note: this clinic is only available during the academic year.
Center for Excellence in Supported Decision Making
Guardianship Information Line: 1-844-333-1748
Statewide resource offering free in-depth telephone consultation, referrals, information and assistance for families, individuals, and professionals regarding individuals at risk for guardianship/conservatorship.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Information: 1-888-NAMI-Helps (1-888-626-4435); Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: call or text 988
Education, advocacy, support, and referrals for people with mental illness and their families.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Call or text 988
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers providing 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you and your loved ones. Call or text 988 for crisis assistance. Assistance is also available in Spanish.
Violence Free Minnesota (formerly Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women)
24-Hour Phone Line: (866) 223-1111
24-hour hotline for victims of domestic abuse throughout Minnesota helps connect individuals to resources and services available to them.
Standpoint (Formerly Battered Women's Legal Advocacy Project)
1-800-313-2666 or (612) 343-9842; Text Line: (612) 743-7397
Statewide program serving domestic and sexual violence survivors, their advocates, attorneys and other professionals working within the justice system in Minnesota.
Committee Against Domestic Abuse (C.A.D.A.)
Crisis Line: (800) 477-0466; Text Line: (507) 223-4200
Providing safety and support to victims of domestic and sexual violence through education, advocacy, and shelter.
Blue Earth County Social Services
(507) 304-4222
410 S. Fifth Street, Mankato, MN 56001
Children's Law Center of Minnesota
(651) 644-4438
450 N. Syndicate St, Suite 340, St. Paul, MN 55104
Free advocacy and legal representation for foster care youth in Minnesota.
Youth Law Project
The Project works with children/youth from birth to age 24 anywhere in Minnesota. Legal assistance (no criminal) for low income youth who are abused, neglected, experiencing or are at risk of homelessness or sexual exploitation, or have questions about safety, minor consent, access education, public benefits, obtaining government identification, or any other civil legal issues.
Small Business Landlord Brief Legal Advice Clinic - LegalCORPS
Speak with a housing law attorney to ask questions or receive some general guidance. To be eligible, landlords must be at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for the size of their household. This clinic provides brief advice; full representation is not available. The clinic takes place on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month between 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. To request assistance, call (612) 206-0780 or click on the Request Assistance button at the bottom of the Brief Advice Clinics page.
Mitchell Hamline Self Help Clinic
(651) 695-7609
Assistance for self-represented parties with eviction expungement issues. Appointments are required. Contact or use the online application form to request an appointment. Remote appointments may also be available. Please note: this clinic is only available during the academic year.
Minnesota State Law Library Probate Brief Advice Telephone Clinic
(651) 297-7651
Brief advice clinic for people with questions about Minnesota probate. Clinics are offered on the 1st Thursday of each month over the phone. Appointments are required. To attend this clinic, you must have a Minnesota probate issue and you may not be represented by a lawyer. There is no income qualification for attendance. Issues not covered: tax, medical assistance, guardianship/conservatorship, questions about the law in other states. For more information, call (651) 297-7651 or Ask a Librarian.
Minnesota Elder Justice Center
(651) 440-9300
Providing information and resources statewide to older and/or vulnerable adults and their loved ones around issues of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation. Services include obtaining protective orders, incapacity and safety planning, limited legal representation, and referrals. To get more information, please call (651) 440-9312 to speak to an advocate or use the contact form.
Center for Excellence in Supported Decision Making
Guardianship Information Line: 1-844-333-1748
Statewide resource offering free in-depth telephone consultation, referrals, information and assistance for families, individuals, and professionals regarding individuals at risk for guardianship/conservatorship.
Blue Earth County Veterans Services
(507) 304-4246
410 S. Fifth St., Office B503, Mankato, MN 56001
The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
(888) 838-7727
Provides assistance to unrepresented veterans or their family members who have filed appeals at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.
LinkVet Support
24-7 support from the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs (MDVA) for Minnesota Veterans and their families.
Minnesota Department of Human Rights Mediation Program
(651) 539-1100 or 1-800-657-3704
No cost and voluntary alternative dispute resolution process by which the parties attempt to settle their discrimination disputes with the help of a trained mediator. Mediation takes place before the Department begins an investigation into allegations of discrimination and before a probable cause finding is made.
University of Minnesota Law School Tax Clinic
(612) 625-5515
The University of Minnesota Law School Tax Clinic provides low income taxpayers with free legal representation in federal tax matters. Clients are represented by Law School students who are trained and directly supervised by a faculty member who is an experienced tax attorney. call the Tax Clinic at 612-625-5515, email, or fill out this form for more information. Our phone lines are open 8:00am-4:30pm Monday through Friday.
Low Income Taxpayer Clinic - Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
Metro: (612) 334-5970 or Greater Minnesota: 1-800-292-4150
Clinic assistance available to Minnesota taxpayers across the state who have Internal Revenue Service (IRS) disputes. This clinic may be able to help with issues including: reducing or eliminating your tax debt, stopping IRS collection action, providing representation in US Tax Court, advocating for an audit reconsideration, addressing identity theft problems, worker misclassification, or helping get some of your refund back that was taken for a spouse's debt. This clinic does not prepare tax returns. Free interpreters are available.
Minnesota Lawyers for the Arts - Springboard for the Arts
Legal advice for low income artists and creatives who need help with business organization, contracts, artist tax audits, copyright and trademark infringement, artist immigration, music royalties, and leasing and buying property. Complete the intake form to see if you are eligible for services. For assistance, email or call (651) 294-0907.
Gender Justice
(651) 789-2090
Gender Justice provides legal representation for transgender and other clients relative to employment discrimination, health care, and other necessities.
The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
(888) 838-7727
Provides assistance to unrepresented veterans or their family members who have filed appeals at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.