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Minnesota State Law Library 2017 CLE Archive

Please note: this is our archive of past CLE programs from 2017. If you are looking for CLEs for which on-demand credit is available, please visit our On-demand CLE page.
  • The Progression of Animal Laws
  • Dec. 19, 2017, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
    CLE Credit: One standard credit has been approved (#251075). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
    Description: Attorney Barbara J. Gislason, an attorney at the Law Office of Barbara J. Gislason, spoke about the development of the field of animal law. Ms. Gislason discussed the progression of animal law and explained the intersection of Family Law, Tort Law, Contract Law, and Criminal Law. 

  • Brewery Law 101
  • Nov. 14, 2017, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
    CLE Credit: One standard credit has been approved (#249439). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
  • Description: Attorney Jeffrey C. O'Brien, an attorney with Chestnut Cambronne, spoke about the boom in Minnesota beer and breweries, driven largely by legislation allowing breweries to sell their products on-premise in taprooms. The presenter walked through the areas of law that make up "brewery law," discussed the recent legislative reforms that have fueled the boom, and made predictions for future reforms. 
  • Understanding Immigration: Where We Are, How We Got Here, and the Impact on Minnesota’s Justice System
  • Oct. 17, 2017, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
    CLE Credit: One standard credit has been approved (#248317). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
  • Description: Michele Garnett McKenzie, deputy director of The Advocates for Human Rights, explores federal law governing the admission and expulsion of refugees and immigrants and identifies how federal immigration policy impacts Minnesota’s justice system. She notes that Minnesota’s immigrant population has tripled since 1990 with nearly 460,000 Minnesotans born outside the U.S. – including an estimated 90,000 undocumented Minnesotans – and that 1 in 6 Minnesota children have at least one immigrant parent. 

  • The Top 10 Things You Need to Know When You Use the e-Filing System 
  • Oct. 3, 2017, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
    CLE credit: One standard credit has been approved (#247731). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available.
    Presentation pdfhandoutrecording of presentation (audio quality improves after the first 2 minutes) 
    Description: This CLE addresses the most common issues and errors that the courts have seen from filers since e-filing became mandatory.  The presenters address repeated pitfalls that occur when the 2015 and 2016 court rules changes are not followed.  This presentation is useful for anyone who uses the eFS system to file in Minnesota’s state courts.   
  • Everything You Wanted to Know about the Administrative Consequences of a DWI 
    September 20, 2017, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
    CLE Credit: .75 CLE credit has been approved (#247306). 
    Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
    Description: Jody Oscarson, Impaired Driving Program Coordinator, Dept. of Public Safety, spoke about how a DWI affects driver’s license and driving record, and what administrative actions are taken by the Department of Public Safety when a person is charged with DWI criminally. 
  • RAV v. St. Paul: Its History and Legacy
    June 27, 2017, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
    CLE Credit: One standard CLE credit has been approved (#240664). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
    Description: Chief Judge Edward Cleary, Minnesota Court of Appeals, was the lead (and arguing) counsel for R.A.V. v. St. Paul, which remains the most cited US Supreme Court case that originated in Minnesota. Chief Judge Cleary marked the 25th anniversary of this landmark decision with a discussion of the beginnings of the case and the legal arguments presented at each stage of the case: the District Court in June 1990; the Minnesota Supreme Court in December 1990; the preparation for the US Supreme Court after the Court accepted review in June of 1991; and the argument before the United States Supreme Court in December 1991, as well as the opinion that followed. Suggested reading: Chaplinsky v. the State of New Hampshire, 315 US 568 (1942); Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 US 444 (1969); Texas v. Johnson, 491 US 397 (1989); R.A.V. v. St. Paul, 505 US 377 (1992).
  • Responding to Data Breaches: Ethical Considerations
  • June 20, 2017, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
    CLE Credit: One ethics CLE credit has been approved (#240663). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
    Presentation (pdf) with links to embedded videos 
  • Description: Minnesota Lawyers Mutual Vice President of Claims, Tim Gephart, and Claim Attorney, Molly Eiden, addresses the ethical consideration faced by legal practitioners when a data breach occurs. The speakers explains what data breaches are and how they happen; why legal practitioners need to be aware of them; and what steps should be taken to effectively combat them. 
  • What Might Have Been: The Bumpy History of Gender Equality Under the Constitution (Law Day CLE)
  • May 1, 2017, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
    CLE Credit: One standard credit has been approved (#239186). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
    Description: In honor of Law Day 2017: The 14th Amendment: Transforming Democracy, noted constitutional law professor, Professor Marie Failinger from Mitchell Hamline School of Law, traces the history of the development of gender equality principles under the Constitution, including missed opportunities and unexpected breakthroughs. Prof. Failinger also engages participants in a discussion about what constitutional protections for gender equality remain to be established.
  • Help for Attorneys in Crisis: Dealing with Lawyer Addiction and Impairment
    April 19, 2017, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
    CLE Credit: One ethics CLE credit has been approved (#238270). This session was previously approved for one ethics on-demand credit, 4/27/2017 - 4/27/2019 (#238267) and 4/27/2019 - 4/27/2021 (#271989). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented, or who viewed it between April 27, 2017 and April 27, 2021. On-demand credit is not available.
    Description: Joan Bibelhausen, Executive Director, Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, discusses how to recognize and obtain help when you, a work colleague, or other professional colleague may have a substance use, mental health or other issue that affects behavior, conduct and performance. Topics include understanding the issues, approaching the lawyer (including interventions), arranging assistance such as treatment, and practice management issues during and following a reduced work schedule or leave of absence. Colleagues can save careers, families and lives.
  • Working Effectively with Muslims
  • February 21, 2017
    CLE Credit: One elimination of bias credit has been approved (#234641). This session was previously approved for one elimination of bias on-demand credit, 5/2/2017 - 5/2/2019 (#238340) and 5/2/2019 - 5/2/2021 (#271990). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented, or who viewed it between May 2, 2017 and May 2, 2021. On-demand credit is not available.
    Description: Imani Jaafar, Director - Office of Police Conduct Review, City of Minneapolis – Department of Civil Rights discusses basic Islamic beliefs, common misconceptions, local and worldwide demographics, cultural educational challenges, and practical tips for assisting Muslims.
  • Lena O. Smith, a Minnesota Civil Rights Pioneer 
  • January 24, 2017 
    CLE Credit: One standard CLE credit has been approved (#233648). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
    Description: Speaker, Professor Ann Juergens of Mitchell Hamline School of Law speaks about her research and subsequent article on Leno O. Smith, the first African American woman licensed to practice law in Minnesota. Ms. Smith was an important civil rights activist, leader in the Minneapolis NAACP, and co-founder of the Minneapolis branch of the Urban League.
Please note: The views, opinions, and statements made at the CLE sessions are solely those of the speakers and do not reflect the views of the State Law Library or Minnesota Judicial Branch. In order to provide these courses free of charge, the CLE speakers volunteer their time to prepare and present. They are not compensated by the State Law Library or Minnesota Judicial Branch.

Contact: Liz Reppe, State Law Librarian, 651-297-2089, 
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