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Minnesota State Law Library 2025 CLE Archive

Please note: this is our archive of past CLE programs from 2025. If you are looking for CLEs for which on-demand credit is available, please visit our On-demand CLE page.

  • Ethical Dangers of Isolation in the Legal Profession
  • Wednesday, February 12, noon - 1:00 pm
  • CLE Credit: One ethics CLE credit has been approved (#522630). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not currently available.
  • Speaker: Jon Tynjala, Case Manager, Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers
  • Description: Loneliness and isolation present an urgent public health challenge, prompting the U.S. Surgeon General to issue a public health advisory to urge the nation’s immediate awareness and action. As lawyers, we have been identified as the loneliest workers in America, and our isolation presents a significant risk to our mental and physical health and our ability to conform to our professional obligations. This program explores some of the causes and effects of isolation, the impact on our professional responsibilities, and ways we can address both causes and effects of isolation by building a culture of connection and mutual care in the legal profession.
  • Recording of Presentation. Materials Packet

  • Supreme Court Review
  • Tuesday, January 7, noon - 1:30 pm
  • CLE Credit: 1.5 standard CLE credits have been approved (#520433). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not currently available.
  • Speakers: David Schultz, Distinguished University Professor Policial Science and Legal Studies, Hamline University, and Visiting Professor of Law, University of Minnesota Law School, and Marshall Tanick, Meyer Njus Tanick
  • Description: David Schultz Distinguished University Professor of Political Science and Legal Studies at Hamline University and a Visiting Professor of Law at the University of MN Law School and Constitutional law attorney Marshall Tanick of the Twin Cities law firm of MEYER NJUS TANICK provided an overview of the 2023-24 Term of the U. S. Supreme Court, reviewed some of the blockbuster cases and previewed a few of the marquee cases on the docket for the upcoming Term.
  • Recording of Presentation. Slides: Professor David Schultz slides. Marshall Tanick slides
Please note:  The views, opinions, and statements made at the CLE sessions are solely those of the speakers and do not reflect the views of the State Law Library or Minnesota Judicial Branch. In order to provide these courses free of charge, the CLE speakers volunteer their time to prepare and present. They are not compensated by the State Law Library or Minnesota Judicial Branch.

Contact:  Liz Reppe, State Law Librarian,  651-297-2089, 
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