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175th Anniversary Exhibit and CLE

2024 marks the 175th anniversary of the founding of the Minnesota Territory. In the same Organic Act that created the territory and Supreme Court, Congress also created a Territorial Library, which became the State Law Library. To mark this occasion, we will be hosting a special exhibit and CLE.

Exhibit Opens March 18, 2024 at the State Law Library

The exhibit, "Minnesota Territorial Law and Courts: A Brief History of Minnesota's Earliest Judicial System, 1849-1858," covers the founding of the Minnesota Territory, the development of Minnesota's court system, and the earliest jurists who served on the Territory's highest court. The exhibit also covers the founding of the State Law Library, including the early collection and the Territorial Librarians who served as stewards of the new collection. The exhibit is presented on a series of 18 scrolls and will be on display in the State Law Library starting Monday, March 18, 2024. 

CLE and Reception: March 20, 2024 at noon

In addition, we will be hosting a CLE on Early Court History, presented by University of Minnesota Law School Professor Carol Chomsky and retired 7th Judicial District Court Judge Timothy Baland. The CLE will be held on March 20, 2024 at noon in the Minnesota Judicial Center, to be followed by a reception in the State Law Library. If you are not able to make it to the Judicial Center to attend in person, we will also offer a webinar option. 

Tales from our Territorial Days: Early Court History (175th Anniversary of the Minnesota Supreme Court)
  • Date/Time: March 20, 2024, noon - 1:00 pm 
  • Location: Minnesota Judicial Center Room 230 
  • Speakers: Carol Chomsky, Professor of Law, University of Minnesota Law School, and Judge Timothy Baland (Retired, 7th Judicial District Court) 
  • Description: Learn about the judges, lawyers, and decisions that shaped our legal system in Minnesota's Territorial Period, 1838-1858. 
  • CLE Credit: One standard CLE credit has been applied for (#501800). 
  • Registration: Registration is not required to attend in person. If you would like to attend via Zoom, please register using this webinar registration form. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 
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