- First Amendment Anniversaries: Near v. Minnesota and Cohen v. Cowles Media
- June 8, 2021, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
CLE Credit: One standard CLE credit has been approved (#371842). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not currently available.
Speaker: Marshall Tanick, Meyer Njus Tannick
Description: June marks the anniversaries of two major Minnesota First Amendment freedom of press cases that went through the state court system before reaching the U.S. Supreme Court and yielding landmark rulings there. This CLE, presented by Marshall Tanick, covered Near v. Minnesota, 283 US 697 (1931) and Cohen v. Cowles Media, 501 US 663 (1991).
- Recording of Presentation. Presentation Slides.
- The Trouble with Eyewitness Testimony
- May 18, 2021, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
CLE Credit: One standard CLE credit has been approved (#361643). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not currently available.
Speakers: Julie Jonas, Great North Innocence Project, David Herr, Maslon LLP, and Jevon Bindman, Maslon LLP
Description: The presentation discusses the factors that affect a witness's ability to make a reliable identification and make recommendations for reform, including revised jury instructions and guidance on the use of expert witnesses.
- Recording of Presentation. Presentation Slides.
- Ethics, Mental Health, and Social Media in the Legal Profession
- April 13, 2021, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
CLE Credit: One ethics CLE credit has been approved (#346957). This CLE is also available for on-demand credit. Please see our
On-Demand CLEs page.
Speaker: Bob Schuneman, Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers
Description: Since the start of the pandemic, attorney reliance on technology has increased exponentially, becoming a necessary part of the practice of law today. In this program, Bob Schuneman from Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, explores the concept of over-reliance on, or even addiction to, smartphones and similar devices, along with ethical issues potentially implicated.
- Recording of presentation
- Handouts available in Box
- Appellate Practice: A Peek Behind the Scenes - A Conversation with Staff Attorneys from the Minnesota Court of Appeals
- March 10, 2021, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
CLE Credit: One standard CLE credit has been approved (#344025). This CLE is also available for on-demand credit. Please see our
On-Demand CLEs page.
Speakers: Kari Crone, Matt Keating, Mike Kunkel, Cindy Lehr, and Jeff Simard, Staff Attorneys, Minnesota Court of Appeals
Description: In this CLE, staff attorneys from the Minnesota Court of Appeals provide insight into their roles at the court and their perspectives on appellate practice.
- Handout: Resources for counsel appearing before the Minnesota Court of Appeals
- Interrupting Bias while Surviving & Thriving in Challenging Times
February 16, 2021, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
CLE Credit: One elimination of bias CLE credit has been approved (#339931). This CLE is also available for on-demand credit. Please see our
On-Demand CLEs page.
Speakers: Bob Schuneman and Joan Bibelhausen, Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers.
Description: In the best of times the legal profession is at risk for high levels of stress and mental health challenges. During challenging times our professional and personal lives may seem out of control and this can affect our work and relationships. This program helped to identify normal feelings, reactions, and behaviors, and recognize when they are cause for concern. It examined the role of stigma and bias in preventing us for asking for and accessing help for mental health issues. The program also identified tools to cope and to thrive while developing and enhancing skills to identify and address individual needs.
- Legal Research Series: State Law Library Resources
January 26, 2021, 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
CLE Credit: 0.5 standard CLE credits have been approved (#339935). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available.
Speaker: Sarah Larsen, Outreach Librarian
- Presentation slides. Note: there is no recording of this presentation.
- Important New Amendments to the Court Rules: What You Need to Know
January 5, 2021, 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
CLE Credit: 1.5 standard CLE credits have been approved (#333068). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available.
Speakers: Patrick Busch, Michael Johnson, Deanna Dohrmann, and Paul Regan, Legal Counsel Division, State Court Administrator's Office
Description: Attorneys from the State Court Administrator's Office, Legal Counsel Division, discussed recent amendments to Minnesota's court rules, most of which will take effect on January 1, 2021. The amended rules expand administrative rejection of documents when filers fail to separate public and non-public information. The amended rules also create a universal cover sheet for non-public documents. Finally, the amended rules will accelerate the administrative striking process if court administration see non-public information in a public court filing. The speakers offered information to help attorneys understand the new rules and how to comply with them.
There is no recording of this presentation, but recordings of this program delivered on different dates are available: