LGBT Rights
Statutes and Rules: (Additional statutes, regulations & opinions may apply to your specific situation.)
Minnesota Resources:
Online resources:
- Airport Security: National Center for Transgender Rights
- Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA") issued guidance on the best practices for providing restroom access to transgender workers.
- EEOC Factsheet: Bathroom Access Rights for Transgender Employees Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
- Legal Program, from OutFront Minnesota.
- Lesbian & Gay Couples: Marriage, Domestic Partnerships, and Civil Unions, from Nolo.
- LGBT Law, from Nolo.
- LGBT Rights, from the ACLU.
- Minnesota Lavender Bar Association.
- Trans Law and Health, from OutFront Minnesota.
- Name Change, from the Minnesota Judicial Branch
- Practice, Research and advocacy Organizations, from the University of Minnesota Law Library.
- Researching Sexual Orientation and the Law, from the University of Minnesota Law Library.
- Trans Law Help: Trans-positive legal resources for people living in the United States.
Print resources:(available at the Minnesota State Law Library and around the state.)
- Before I Do: A Legal Guide to Marriage, Gay and Otherwise, Elizabeth F. Schwartz KF539.S39 2016
- Breaking New Ground: Study of transgender people interacting with the Mn Court System / Ellen Krug (OutFront MN 2013) KFM5811.5 .T73 K78.
- The Court, the Ballot Box, and Gay Rights: How Our Governing Institutions Shape the Same-Sex Marriage Debate / Joseph Mello, KF539 .M45 2016.
- Estate Planning for Same-sex Couples / Joan M. Burda (ABA 2015) KF750 .B87 2015.
- Gender Nonconformity and the Law / Kimberly A. Yurako, KF3467. Y875 2016.
- Legal Guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples / Denis Clifford et al. A , 19th ed. (Nolo, 2018) Self Help Collection KF539 C87 2018.
- Legalizing LGBT Families: How the Law Shapes Parenthood / Amanda K. Baumle, KF539 .B38 2015.
- Making it Legal: A Guide to Same-Sex Marriage, Domestic Partnerships & Civil Unions, 4th ed. / Frederick C. Hertz & Emily Doskow, KF539 .H47 2016.
- Minnesota Estate Planning for Non-traditional Families, 2nd ed. (Minnesota Continuing Legal Education, 2010-) KFM5540 .M56 2010.
- Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and the Law in a Nutshell / Ruth Colker KF4754.5 .C65 2017
- State Equality Index: A Review of State Legislation Affecting the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. Community Human Rights Campaign. 2014 HQ73.3 .U6 E68 2014.
- The Right to be Parents: LGBT Families and the Transformation of Parenthood / Carlos A. Ball, KF540 .B35 2012.
- Transgender Persons and the Law / Ally Windsor Howell, KF4754.5 .H69 2015.
- The Wedding Heard 'Round the World: America's First Gay Marriage / Michael McConnell & Jack Baker, KF539 .M33 2016.
Related Topics: Civil Rights; Same Sex Marriage.
DISCLAIMER: As librarians and not lawyers, we can suggest resources but cannot give legal advice (such as which form to file), or legal opinions, (such as how a statute might apply to particular facts.) To do so could be considered the unauthorized practice of law. Even though we try to suggest materials that will be of help, further research is usually required to find a complete and correct answer. For many questions, the best answer may be to consult an attorney. For links to resources on finding an attorney click here.