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Printing, Copying & Delivery Services

 Services in the Library
  • Printing: General printing (word-processed documents, Westlaw search results, and articles from HeinOnline) is available from public computers in the library. The cost is 20 cents per page. 
  • Copying: Coin and card-operated copy machines are available for patron use in the Library. Copies are 20 cents per page. Copy cards can be purchased at the Information Desk.
Document Delivery Services 
  • Photocopy and Mail Service: The staff of the Library will photocopy and mail materials. The cost is 25 cents per page ($3.00 minimum), plus first-class postage, up to 100 pages per week. Limited exceptions to this policy may be made with the approval of the Head of Public Services or State Law Librarian.
  • Email Delivery Service: As part of our copy service, library staff will email requested legal materials from the library's online resources to patrons. Some limits may apply. Requests should be made by completing the Ask A Librarian form.  
    • When requested material requires scanning, there is a cost of 25 cents per page ($3.00 minimum), with a 20-page maximum per day.

To request photocopying or scanning service, contact us by e-mail or by phone at (651) 297-7651. Exact citations are required. Turnaround is usually within 24 hours when the Library is open. (Library Hours)

Materials may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code). Please note: Because of their size, the Law Library does not include briefs in its copy service.
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