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Minnesota State Law Library 2016 CLE Archive

Please note: this is our archive of past CLE programs from 2020. If you are looking for CLEs for which on-demand credit is available, please visit our On-demand CLE page
  • Minnesota’s Safe Harbor Law
  • Dec. 20, 2016
    CLE Credit: One standard CLE credit has been applied for (#232271). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
    Description: Speaker, Noelle Volin, Trafficking Policy Coordinator/Staff Attorney, MNCASA, provides participants with an overview of Minnesota’s Safe Harbor Law for Sexually Exploited Youth, the statewide No Wrong Door services framework, and two statewide initiatives for assisting communities across the state to develop their own multidisciplinary systems response to sexual exploitation.  After this presentation, participants will be able to:
    Articulate the definitions of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation under Minnesota law to systems partners;
    Understand the underlying values and philosophy to Minnesota’s public health approach under No Wrong Door;
    Identify the essential steps a community must take in order to effectively engage in multidisciplinary collaboration to develop a community-specific response to sexual exploitation.

  • Tribal Court Jurisdiction after Dollar General  
    November 15, 2016 
    CLE Credit: One elimination of bias credit has been approved (#231037). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
    Description: Joseph F. Halloran and Michael L. Murphy from the Jacobson Law Group discuss two decisions issued during the 2015 October Term of the U.S. Supreme Court. In Dollar General v. Mississippi Band of Choctaw, an equally divided Court in a per curium opinion affirmed the Fifth Circuit’s decision that tribal courts have civil jurisdiction over nonmembers.  This one-sentence decision represents a victory for tribal interests, as it preserves the status quo relative to tribal adjudicative authority over nonmembers.  But it did nothing to establish a uniform national rule regarding the jurisdiction of Tribal Courts in the context presented in the case, and left open the door to additional litigation that surely will test tribal judicial authority over nonmembers who do business with a tribe or its members. United States v. Bryant also represents a significant victory for tribal courts and their authority to address criminal conduct within tribal territories, and this time with an actual opinion.  In Bryant, the Court unanimously held that the United States’ use of tribal-court convictions as predicate offenses in a subsequent prosecution does not violate the 6th Amendment when the tribal-court convictions were secured in accordance with the Indian Civil Rights Act.  Critically, this decision reaffirms a long-standing legal doctrine that tribal nations, as pre-constitutional sovereigns, have inherent authorities that are not limited by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Ultimately, Dollar General and Bryant confirm and highlight the central role that tribal courts play for the communities they serve.
  • Best Hearing Practices in Contested Agency Cases
    October 18, 2016
    CLE CREDIT: One standard CLE credit has been approved (#228896). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
    PowerPoint Presentation (pdf);  Handout (pdf); Recording of presentation.   
    Description: Judge Eric Lipman, Administrative Law Judge with the Minnesota Office of Administrative Hearings, details a series of best practices for those who litigate contested cases before the Office of Administrative Hearings.  His view from the bench could inform how you prepare for your next case, regardless of the forum.
  • The Prevalence of Substance Use and other Mental Health Concerns among American Attorneys - Ethical Perspectives 
    June 7, 2016
    CLE CREDIT: One ethics credit has been approved (#221984). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
    PowerPoint PresentationABA and Hazelden Study SummaryMental Health and Addiction in the Legal ProfessionList of Selected Resources
  • Description:  The speaker Joan Bibelhausen, is the Director of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers. This program is based on the February 2016 article of the same name published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine. Discussion will cover the findings of the ABA/Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation study and what they mean for the legal profession. Now that these findings are recognized nationwide what are the ethical obligations and considerations that arise?          
  • Sovereignty Movement in Minnesota
  • May 25, 2016
    CLE CREDIT: One standard CLE credit has been approved (#219757). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
  • CLE handoutRecording of presentation.
  • Description:  Our speaker will be Mary McComb, Associate Warden Administration, MCF-Stillwater, Department of Corrections. Ms. McComb will focus her presentation on: 1. Theoretical underpinnings of the sovereign theory - 14th amendment interpretation. 2. Theoretical basis for financial fraud aspects - US going off the gold standard.
  • Hmong Americans and the Legal System in Minnesota
  • Apr. 19, 2016
    CLE CREDIT: One elimination of bias CLE credit has been approved (#218793). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
  • CLE handoutClick here for the recording of the presentation (audio only)
  • Description:  Our speaker will be Sophia Y. Vuelo. Ms. Vuelo will speak about the legal, cultural, and social issues that impact the Hmong community. She will also give an overview of the history of Minnesota's Hmong immigration experience.

  • Tribal Sovereignty and Tribal Courts 
    Mar. 9, 2016
    CLE CREDIT: One elimination of bias credit has been approved (#216476).  Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
  • Powerpoint PresentationRecording of presentation
    Description:  The speakers will be Joseph F. Halloran and Michael L. Murphy from the Jacobson Law Group. They will talk about tribal sovereignty and tribal governmental authority. In addition, the program will include a discussion of tribal courts in Minnesota.

  • Social Media: An Overview of the Ethical Implications 
    Feb. 4, 2016
    CLE CREDIT: One ethics CLE credit has been approved (#215852). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available.  
    Description:  The speakers will be Timothy J. Gephart, Vice President of Claims and Molly Eiden, Claims Attorney. Both speakers are with Minnesota Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company. 
    This CLE will address the ethical implications and practical tips of using social media as an attorney.
  • Click here for the recording of the presentation.

  • Indian Child Welfare Act 101 
    Jan. 20, 2016
    CLE Credit: One standard CLE credit has been approved (#213928). Credit is available for those who attended this session when it was presented. On-demand credit is not available. 
    Click here for the recording of the presentation.
    Description:  The speaker is Shannon Smith, Executive Director of the ICWA Law Center. She will speak about the Indian Child Welfare Act: its intent, when it is mandated, and how it is implemented.
Please note: The views, opinions, and statements made at the CLE sessions are solely those of the speakers and do not reflect the views of the State Law Library or Minnesota Judicial Branch. In order to provide these courses free of charge, the CLE speakers volunteer their time to prepare and present. They are not compensated by the State Law Library or Minnesota Judicial Branch.

Contact: Liz Reppe, State Law Librarian, 651-297-2089, 
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