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Introducing: The Minnesota Digital Law Library

The Minnesota Digital Law Library contains items digitized from the Minnesota State Law Library collections. The Collections are historical in nature and shed light on the history of the Minnesota court system as well as the State Law Library.

Electronic Resources

Available for use in Library:

  • HeinOnline - Full-text law journals (Guest access is available from public computers in the library and through the MJC Guest wireless. Staff access is available through the MJC network)
  • Lexis Digital Library - eBook versions of popular Lexis titles including: Dunnell Minnesota Digest, Collier on Bankruptcy, Corbin on Contracts, and more.
  • LLMC Digital - A full-text collection of historic legal titles, including Minnesota House and Senate Journal, historic Minnesota Briefs 1864-1875, and many other early Minnesota documents. (Guest access is available from public computers in the library and through the MJC Guest wireless. Staff access is available through the MJC network)
  • Minnesota Lawyer - Provides in-depth coverage and analysis of state and federal appellate cases, significant trial court decisions, court rules, trends in the profession, and verdicts and settlements.
  • Westlaw (available from public computers in the library)
  • VitalLaw - A searchable database of forms, articles, tables, legal decisions and laws. Topic areas include healthcare, labor & employment law, litigation, pension & employee benefits, property & construction law, and tax law.

Password Protected Resources - Please Ask a Librarian for Assistance

Newspapers, Magazines, & Scholarly Journals


Scholarly Resources

  • Academic Search Premier (ELM) - Scholarly publications across all academic disciplines.
  • EBSCO MegaFile (ELM) - Popular and scholarly publications across all academic disciplines and subject areas.
  • Law Review Commons - Online collection of free and open law review scholarship.

Business Research

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