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Visiting the Library

We welcome you to visit and use the resources of the Minnesota State Law Library. The library is located on the Ground Floor of the Minnesota Judicial Center. The following information is provided to assist you in preparing for your visit. If you have any questions please Ask A Librarian, or call 651-297-7651. 

  • Patrons using the library should be engaged in library-related activities (such as reading or research).
  • Patrons shall respect the rights of other patrons and library employees.
  • Patrons shall not harass others, behave in a manner which can reasonably be expected to disturb other persons, or interfere with the use of the library by other patrons.
  • Patrons shall not interfere with library employees' performance of their duties, or enter Staff Only areas without authorization.
  • Any person who violates the library rules may be asked to leave the library.

In support of the fundamental principle of fair and equitable treatment under law, the Minnesota Judicial Branch strives to eliminate from court operations bias that is based on race, gender, ethnicity, age, disability, socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation and any other status protected by law.

All judges and court employees are expected to treat other court employees, court users, and the public with dignity and respect.

See also: Minnesota Judicial Center 

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