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Benefits and Resources

Financial Assistance (Subsistence)

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Benefit Provided

The purpose of Subsistence Assistance is to provide financial assistance to a Veteran or surviving spouse when they are disabled and prevented from working at their usual/normal occupation for at least 30 days or without a disabling medical condition within one year of the Veteran's death.

Subsistence Assistance provides help with:

  1. Shelter associated payments (rent / mortgage / room & board / property taxes / association dues / homeowners’ insurance)
  2. Utility Assistance (i.e. electric, gas, propane, water, sanitation/sewer, cell phone, internet, etc.)
  3. Healthcare Insurance Premiums
  4. Personal Needs Funds (Cash grant)

Eligibility Period

Subsistence Assistance is open year-round.

Eligible Applicant

  1. A Veteran as defined by MN Statute 197.447, or the surviving spouse (who has not remarried) of a deceased Veteran, and
  2. A Minnesota Resident as defined by MN Administrative Rule 8001.0300 Sup. 1(a)(b), "resident" means a person living in Minnesota for at least 30 days with the intention of residing in the state and not for any temporary purpose.

How Income and Assets Affect Benefit Calculations

Subsistence Assistance is driven by what is called the Monthly Benefit Award. This dollar amount is derived from a calculation and indicates not only the total base amount of assistance but if an applicant is eligible or not.

Monthly Benefit Award Calculation = (Shelter Costs + Personal Needs Amount) - Earned and Unearned Income

  1. All income will reduce the monthly benefit award amount dollar for dollar.
  2. Assets in excess of the allowed limits are a bar to Subsistence Assistance.
  3. Reductions in the monthly benefit award are first made to the personal needs cash assistance, and then to the shelter payment secondarily until there is $0 remaining on the monthly benefit award.
  4. If the calculated income reduces the applicant’s total monthly benefit award to $0, then individuals are ineligible for any assistance.
  5. If there is at least $1 remaining on the monthly benefit award, applicants will be approved for subsistence, and we can pay all utilities and healthcare insurance premiums that may be due.
  6. Shelter and Personal Needs amounts are found in the Schedule of Maximum Monthly Allowances:
Family Size 1 2*/2** 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Shelter - Lease or Mortgage Actual Amount Actual Amount Actual Amount Actual Amount Actual Amount Actual Amount Actual Amount Actual Amount Actual Amount Actual Amount
Shelter - No Lease/Mortgage $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000 $1,100 $1,200 $1,300
Personal Needs $470 $600/$1,230 $1,450 $1,650 $1,830 $2,000 $2,180 $2,330 $2,470 $2,600
Asset Limit $10,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000

2*: Rate with Veteran and spouse, no children | 2**: Rate with Veteran and one child, no spouse

Subsistence Assistance Program Parameters

For the purposes of this section, an applicant means a Veteran or surviving spouse.

  1. Subsistence assistance is broken into 30-day periods.
  2. Assistance is authorized for up to six (6) 30-day assistance periods.
  3. Assistance beyond six (6) periods may be authorized by the Director of Veterans Programs on a case-by-case basis if the applicant has submitted a Termination of Benefits (MDVA-6) and submitted a letter explaining their situation.
  4. The first period start date is based off the date the Medical Report Form (MDVA-4) is signed or the application date if the application date is later than the Medical Report Form date and more advantageous to the applicant.
  5. Each month the applicant must contact their CVSO and discuss any changes to their income, medical condition, and/or living situation. The CVSO should then request and recommend the next period if the applicant is still unable to work and there have been no changes to their situation.
  6. If the original MDVA-4 does not cover the subsequent periods, the applicant must return to their physician to have them complete an updated MDVA-4
  7. Subsistence cannot be used to supplement assistance received by the applicant from the General Assistance (GA) or Minnesota Family Investment Programs (MFIP) per MN Administrative Rule 9055.0350 STATE SOLDIERS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM SUBSISTENCE PROGRAM ACTIVITY - GENERAL. Subpart 2 Other assistance programs.

How to Apply

An eligible applicant must apply for Subsistence Assistance through their County Veterans Service Officer (CVSO). You can find your CVSO here.

If your County Veterans Service Office is unable to assist you, please contact MDVA’s Field Operations Team, who can assist you with your application, by emailing


If you have any questions regarding Subsistence Assistance, please contact your County Veterans Service Officer or LinkVet at 1-888-Link-Vet.

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