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About MDVA

Reports and Statistics

TypewriterMDVA provides a series of reports for our stakeholders and community members.

Legislative Affairs

Our Legislative team provides frequent reports regarding Veteran related legislation.

Annual Report

Our annual report provides our stakeholders and community members with a comprehensive look at our activities and finances.


The legislature delegates authority to state agencies to make rules necessary to carry out statutorily assigned duties. Rulemaking in Minnesota follows procedures outlined in the Minnesota Administrative Procedure Act (APA), Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 14. The Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs has a rules coordinator and each rulemaking project has an agency contact person. Individuals interested in being placed on the MDVA rulemaking mailing list, please submit your request by U.S. Mail, fax, or email to the agency rules coordinator:

Kristen Root
Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
20 West 12th Street, Suite 100
St. Paul, MN 55155

Rulemaking Docket

Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.366 requires agencies to maintain a current rulemaking docket containing a list of each possible proposed rule currently under active consideration and each pending rulemaking proceeding.

This rulemaking docket contains information and links related to current rulemaking activities of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs. Items are in order with the most recent information at the top of the list. If nothing is listed below, there are no current rulemaking projects underway within the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Minnesota Rules Chapter 9050 & Chapter 9055

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