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Adult Day Center


Volunteers at each of our Homes contribute tremendously to the quality of life of our Veterans. Volunteers provide invaluable support by sharing their experience, time and compassion with our Residents. Family members, friends and community members play a key role in helping us serve those who served through generous donations of time and money. If you or someone you know would like to make a difference, please contact us at (612) 548-5993 to inquire about donations, or (612) 548-5751 for volunteer opportunities.

Adult Day Center Giving Guide

Family members, friends and community members play a key role in helping us serve those who served through generous donations of time and money. The following is a list of project funding needs and requested donation items. For questions or information on donating, please call (612) 548-5993.

Monetary Donations

If you would like to make a monetary donation to the Adult Day Center, you can do so online at the Adult Day Center online donation page.

Approximate monthly ADC recreation expenses for daily activities & special events

  • Cash request for bowling, bingo, blackjack, and misc. recreation supplies for parties, baking ingredients, gardening, art project, special food, etc. ($100-$150)
  • Entertainers, usually 2 entertainers a month ($200-$250)
  • Outing expenses ($0-$300)
Total of $500-$700 per month ($15-$20/client/mo)

Items to Donate – items must be brand new

  • Gas Grill
  • 5-6 - Flannel back indoor/outdoor tablecloths for octagon patio tables
  • Craft supplies - 25 8x10 paint canvases, foam paint brushes, watercolor paper, foam craft paper, acrylic paint, craft kits, modge podge, craft glue, Elmer’s glue, colored pencils, markers
  • Board Games – Connect 4, shut the box, Life, Checkers, cribbage, playing cards
  • DVD’s classics, westerns, documentaries, Lawrence Welk and new releases
  • Portable boom box with radio and CD capability
  • Subscription to Star Tribune (52 week-$220), Birds & Bloom, Reminisce, Sports Illustrated, Country, Readers Digest
  • Decorations for Holiday/Themed Events: plates, napkins, garland, cardboard cut-outs
  • Monthly or yearly subscription to MemoryCo – interactive activity site $59 a month

Special Activities to Sponsor

  • Entertainer or lecturer ($125-$300)
  • Off-center trip, suggestions welcome
    • Science Museum ($200)
    • Theatre Tickets ($300)
    • MN Twins Game ($300)
    • Lunch & River Boat Cruise ($300)
  • Pizza Party or KFC lunch ($200)
  • Operation Sight & Sound-Songwriting, Photography & Performance program ($2250)
  • Funding for Group Art Classes
    • In House with Northern Clay $375 or at Northern Clay Studio ($175)
    • Classes with COMPASS Artists ($200 per session plus cost of supplies)
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