Descriptive transcript
[Opening slide with the words, "This webinar series is provided by the Commission of Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans and by the Minnesota Department of Education.]
[Title slide: "Summary"]
[A woman appears (Ann Mayes). She is standing on one side of the screen and begins to speak. Above her is the following text, "Summary. Presenter: Ann Mayes, parent of a young adult who is Deaf in the workforce." To her right is a sign language interpreter, Susan Boinis.]
We hope you find the Discussion Guide to be helpful when planning an IEP for a student who is deaf or hard of hearing. Deaf and hard of hearing students have unique challenges because access or lack of access is not something that can be seen. Each student is unique. Each student is an individual. What works for a hard of hearing student with a moderate hearing loss in both ears may not work for another student with the same type and degree of hearing loss.
[The text above Ann changes to, "Use the Discussion Guide as a Tool for Planning the IEP for Students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing." There is also a round figure with a light bulb switched on above its head.]
The prompts in this guide are tools to help you to think of different ways students are impacted by incomplete access within the classroom, home, workplace, and college. Along with the evidence-based resources, this guide is a powerful planning tool for the IEP team members.
The last section of the Discussion Guide contains six appendices and a glossary. Appendices I-VI include supplemental information, provide samples, and offer references and resources where teams can find additional help and support.
[The information above Ann changes again. The new text is, "Appendix I: Federal Legislation Pertaining to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students * Americans with Disabilities Act: Title II * Individuals with Disabilities Education Act * Section 504 * Title I. Page 24 of the Discussion Guide." A book with the word 'Law" and a gavel is also visible.]
Ann continues: Throughout the Guide, we have mentioned various legislation and laws that protect and support deaf and hard of hearing students. These are important to ensure that students needs are being met to the fullest extent possible. Specific laws and legislation are listed in Appendix I, with links that will direct you to the full document and sources of information.
[The content above Ann changes again to, "Appendix II: Language and Communication Assessments. Receptive and Expressive English Skills * Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics * Vocabulary * Written Language. Receptive and Expressive ASL Skills * Syntax * Classifiers * Vocabulary. Page 25 of the Discussion Guide.]
Ann continues: Appendix II lists assessments that can be used to evaluate a student who is deaf or hard of hearing. These lists was created by teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing to help teams evaluate the expressive and receptive language skills of deaf and hard of hearing students.
[The content above Ann changes again to, "Appendix III: Sample Adaptations. * Accessible seating * Assistive listening device systems * Classroom doors * Written assignments * Closed captions or subtitles * Teacher or student notes * Listening breaks. There are also icons for "Captioning Matters" "CC" and "SDH".]
Ann continues: Appendix III includes sample adaptations. A specific example is for a hard of hearing student with a profound hearing loss in her left ear and mild hearing loss in her right ear who is in the general education setting for all her classes. These examples are to be a guide and are not comprehensive. The individual student’s needs and abilities should be taken into account when determining educational adaptations. Other may also include sign language interpreter, cued English transliterator, notetaker, and real-time captioning services as well as other adaptations specific for students.
[The content above Ann changes to: "Appendix IV: Sample Goal Pages. Elementary Level Students * Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) * Background of hearing loss or deafness * Communication and Language Checklist * Home language (when applicable) * Language of instruction * Impact of hearing loss on language development * Identified needs, goals and objectives." There is also a picture of a teacher working with a student at his desk.]
Ann continues: Appendix IV and V include examples of language-focused goal pages for elementary level students and secondary level students with a hearing loss. Having a hearing loss or deafness affects communication in many different areas.
[The text above Ann changes to, "Appendix V: Sample Goal Pages. Secondary Level Students * Language of Instruction * Access in the classroom * Changes in access needs * C-print, notetaker * Preparation for work setting * Preparation for post-secondary education" There is also a new picture of two individuals in white lab coats looking over a paper in a classroom setting.]
Ann continues: It is important to focus on language and communication access in all goal areas, not just under the Communication heading.
Students ranging in hearing levels, ages, abilities, modes of communication, and school placements are included. Each student example contains a PLAAFP that provides important information that should be included in every deaf or hard of hearing student’s IEP. These include a brief summary of the student’s hearing loss, including functional listening evaluation where appropriate, their language of instruction as well as home language if applicable, educational background and the impact of being deaf or hard of hearing has on access in different settings.
[The text above Ann changes to: "Appendix VI: Profiler Transition Checklist Shared by Metro Deaf School. * Emergency Contacts * Resume * Vocational Rehabilitation Contact Info * Resources * Copy of IEP * Job/College applications. See page 46 of Discussion Guide for the complete Transition Checklist." The same picture of the individuals in white lab coats remain.]
Ann continues: Our next to last appendix, which is VI, is an example of a Profiler Transition Checklist that was shared by Metro Deaf School to help teams gather some ideas about areas that need to be discussed when planning for transition for the post-school years. The final appendix includes a glossary of terms.
[The content above Ann changes to the following text, "Create a plan for positive life-long outcomes!" A new picture is there, which shows a street sign with the word, "Goals".]
Ann continues: The authors of the Discussion Guide: Developing a Language and Communication-Focused IEP for Students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing” hope that you can use this tool during your IEP meetings. We hope that the prompts will help you and the other people on the IEP team to think about how language and communication are affected whether the student is deaf or hard of hearing, or if the student also has disabilities. We also hope the information and prompts help you to make decisions that benefit the student and provide the best access to language, communication, education, peers and the many areas that are discussed. We hope this Discussion Guide will help create a strong plan and lead to positive life-long outcomes.
[Video fades to the original slide with the words, "This webinar series is provided by The Commission of Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans and by the Minnesota Department of Education."]