Jessalyn Akerman-Frank is a graduate of Gallaudet University with a B.A. in communications. She also graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Masters in Special Education with a focus on Deaf/Hard of Hearing. In addition, she graduated from the Cross Road Solutions Deaf Life Coaching Program. Jessalyn is a member of the Minnesota Association of Deaf Citizens (MADC), a co-founder of Deaf Equity, and the founder of Deaf LGBTQI Annual Awards. She remains engaged and active in the Deaf Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault field by training advocates, traveling to train and educate in other states, and working with survivors through life coaching and yoga. She was awarded the Charlie Smith Award for her work in human services and the Petra F. Howard Award for her work with the Deaf LGBTQI community. In her free time, she teaches deaf yoga and spends time with her family.
Jessalyn serves on the following boards and committees: