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Technician Renewal

Online Renewals for 2025 will open October 1, 2024

Late renewals are open for registrants that expired on 12/31/2023. Late fees apply. Visit our new Online Services page to begin
Beginning June 01, 2023, any credit card processing fees for online payments will be the responsibility of the applicant

Attention: With our recent migration to the new online system, the Board is unable to invoice employers seeking to pay for their technician’s registration renewal. Options for employers to pay for technicians’ registration include providing the employee with a company credit card to input during their online renewal or working with the technician to submit a reimbursement request.

Continuing Education - Report Your Completed CEs by July 31 of each odd-numbered year.

For continuing education information and requirements, click here.

Lapse in Registration

If your registration has lapsed for more than 12 months, you will need to contact the Board via email at For links to Laws and Rules regarding technician registration and supervision please click on the links below:

Common Renewal Issues

If there is not an option for renewal in your record online, one of the following issues may be the cause:
  • Your continuing education (CE) hours were not reported. The cycle ends July 31 of each odd year. If you did not report to the Board that you completed your hours of CE, you will be unable to renew until you send in proof that your CEs are completed.
  • You did not respond to the CE Audit with the proper documentation.
  • The Technician Training requirement was not completed and reported to the Board. Technicians have 12 months after their initial registration to complete and report their training. See training requirements below.
  • There are missing payments on your record.
If you do not see the renewal option on your record, contact us at We will help resolve any issue with your account so that you may renew.

Technician Training Requirements – 12 Month Deadline

You have 12 months to complete a Board-approved technician training. Additional information about technician training requirements can be found in the Pharmacy Technician Training Requirements document.

Pharmacy Technician Registration, Training and Technician Certifications

Answers to frequently asked questions between the different programs:

Technician Registration
Technician Registration is a state mandated program for pharmacy technicians working in Minnesota. You have to apply for a registration number with the state and re-register each year. The state also has requirements that you have to meet to maintain your registration. You have to complete 20 hours of continuing education every two years and you have to complete a state-approved Technician Training program.

Technician Training
The Board of Pharmacy requires every new technician to complete an approved training program within 12 months of becoming registered. The Minnesota Technician Training program is required for you to maintain a current registration in the state. It is a one-time requirement. For more information on the Minnesota Technician Training program, visit the tab Laws, Rules and Guidance on our website

Technician Certification
The Board recognizes only certification through a PTCB (Pharmacy Technician Certification Board) or the ExCPT exam (Exam for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians) provided by the National Healthcareer Association (NHA). While some employers do require their technicians become certified, the Board does not require technicians to be certified. Pharmacy technicians are only required to complete a pharmacy technician training program pursuant to MN Rules 6800.3850 Subp. 1h. Effective August 1, 2023, PTCB and NHA's ExCPT are two additional approved programs that meet the training requirement.

Your Technician Registration Number

Your registration number stays with you, as long as your registration stays current, even if you work at a different pharmacy than when you initially registered. Your registration expires on December 31 of each year and must be renewed each year to stay active.
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