Once you have completed the number of CEs required for the two-year cycle, log in to your online account and report that you have completed your required CE hours following the instructions on your CE Audit card. All technicians need to report that they have completed their CE by July 31 of every odd year. If you do not report by that date you will have to show proof of CE before renewing your registration.
Technicians are responsible to report completed CE credits to the Board. The Board does not collect this information from any other source. The Board does not keep records of the CEs that you have taken or completed.
Note: The documents that you submit to the Board must have your name, course listing, number of course hours completed, and the ACPE number must end in the letter "T".
Pharmacy technicians will need to complete at least 20 hours of approved continuing education (CE) every two years. There are some exceptions. For example, if you are a new registrant your requirement may be different. You can find out how many hours of CE you need to complete by logging into your record with the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy.
Approved continuing education means those continuing pharmacy technician education programs approved by the Board or courses that are made available by an approved provider. These programs may take the form of classes, conferences, correspondence study courses, institutes, lectures, professional meetings, programmed learning courses, journal readings, seminars, study groups, or other program formats commonly accepted by educators as legitimate adult education activities.
Make sure that any program that you complete has been approved for technicians or both technicians and pharmacists. If you complete a program meant only for pharmacists, the credit will not count towards the Board’s requirement. When printing your proof of CE, there should be a letter “T” printed at the end of your CE course number. The “T” stands for technician. See MN Rule 6800.1500.
There are many different sources of technician CE. Some CE courses are free, some require a fee to be paid. Please make sure that any program that you completed has been approved for technicians alone or for both technicians and pharmacists. If you complete a program meant only for pharmacists the credit will not count towards the Board’s requirement.
The Minnesota Pharmacists Association (MPhA) and Minnesota Society of Health-System Pharmacists (MSHP) co-host an annual CE conference for technicians. You can find out more at their website www.mpha.org or www.mnshp.org.
Here are links to other web sites where technician CE is offered:
Note that these are all independent web sites and they do not report any continuing education activity to the MN Board of Pharmacy.
Continuing education (CE) for technicians is a planned learning experience beyond initial technician training designed to promote the continued development of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable a technician to adequately perform the tasks that a technician is allowed to perform.