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Affirmative Action Plan

Organizational Profile

The Minnesota Board of Pharmacy was established in 1885. Its mission is to preserve and protect the public health, safety, and welfare of Minnesotans by promoting the safe distribution of pharmaceuticals and the provision of quality pharmacy care.

The Board fulfills this mission through examination and licensure of pharmacists, regulation of the practice of pharmacy, inspection of licensed facilities, investigation of complaints, and the issuance of disciplinary orders and agreements for corrective action. Board staff also helps educate pharmacists and others about laws, rules and best standards of practice.

The Minnesota Prescription Monitoring Program, a tool that prescribers and pharmacists can use to help prevent prescription drug abuse, is also administered by the Board. The Board operates the Opiate Product Registration Fee Program, which collects revenues that are used to combat the opiate abuse epidemic. The Board contracts with a vendor that operates the Minnesota Prescription Drug Repository Program. The Board also plays a key role in the Minnesota Insulin Safety Program.

The Board contributes to the following state wide outcomes:
  • All Minnesotans have optimal health
  • People in Minnesota are safe

A Downloadable Copy of the Board's Affirmative Action Plan 2022-2024

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